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The mkiv Supra Owners Club


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Everything posted by boombastictiger

  1. http://www.wreckedexotics.com/supra/supra_20030425_002.shtml http://www.wreckedexotics.com/supra/supra_20030425_001.shtml Looks like the Supra wins...Nice to know the cars not going to fair to bad in a crash with a stupid chav comming right at me..
  2. boombastictiger


    I cant believe Cro Cop lost......he is one of the best stand up fighters there is....and he got knocked out by him own signature kick
  3. boombastictiger


    im at work to.....i share your pain...
  4. boombastictiger


    Mirko Croooo Croppp
  5. They are really nice wheels, and they look nice on the car, but I think the spokes needed to be fatter, the original AB flug wheels were just so sexy....
  6. Hey Luke Im pretty sure it was you, about 7pm going down ruxley lane, I was about 3-4 cars behind you behind a black FTO.. Im quite sure it was you because of your spoiler...Isnt it funny how you see someone once, and you see them all the time after... Believe it or not I had a 6th sense that I was going to see a supra on the way home from the gym....10 seconds later I actually see one lol...
  7. Hi I have Tein Street spec Master TYPE NA, damper and springs fitted to my car (by the previous owner). My car is lowered and handles really well, however whenever I take a sharp bend or go downhill round a bend the bumper always scrapes the floor..... What can be done to counter this problem? Can the suspension be stiffened up? would this help? Im not to worried about comfort as my ride isnt exactly floating on clouds right now... How hard/easy is it to adjust the suspension? http://www.hyeline.com/tein_type_nr_na.htm
  8. I had a S2000 for a month...nice car, shape, style, build quality etc....nice engine noise BUT BUT it was to small, and at low revs theres just no pulling power...unless ur racing or travelling fast its not to easy to keep the revs up high comftably.. I love the 350z its new and fresh...nice engine, should be more comfy to drive as a 3.5 engine... However, I would go for a corvette....much more rare, stands out more aswell....
  9. Haha yeap...How come theres an MOT symbol on the caliper?
  10. Lol I just had a look at the Mits symbol...ur right its different...I just paniced because I have problem with the caliper so I thought maybe the person who had the car before me changed something or got a cheap replacement.... That caliper has seized a bit, I have to get it cleaned out apparently.. I should really have checked the symbol first though...hehe sorry
  11. Took my wheel off yesturday to clean the brakes up, and I noticed the caliper has a MITSUBISHI symbol embedded into it [sHOCK][/sHOCK] Is this normal? did toyota share parts with Mitsubishi? Help Help Heres a Pic:
  12. Nice car...cool house...I think its got the wrong wheels though..
  13. Heres an Idea...Pick up a standard 350z for say £12k..........then by a TT Supra for around 5-6k...then spend 5k upgrading the supra... total could come out around 25k.....you would have 2 great cars...one more for posing and style and the other for well out and out performance... its just an idea though...if I had 25k to spend on cars I would do something like that...I would not be able to put down 25k on 1 car unless it was something unbelivabl special which does not exist I dont think...
  14. What about a Nissan 350z Nismo: *3.5 V6 *Good handling and good power distribution and control *280-300bhp *Fresh Newish Car Design *Sexy Inside *Can buy a convertible version aswell *Can buy some amazing bodykits etc *Quite rare, you dont see to many of them about... *Reliability of Nissan (good) *Can get alot of upgrades done to the engine...I came across a supercharged 500bhp one that blew me away and looked so sweet...I have a video aswell Heres a link to the whatcar review....it got 4/5 http://www.whatcar.co.uk/car-review/nissan-350z-coupe/474/ Parkers guide review 4.5/5 http://www.parkers.co.uk/cars/reviews/Review.aspx?model=583 The car has a mixture of the supra and m3 image wise I think...I think its a bit more classy and a good compromise..will defo be something different, staying stylish, sexy, powerful, practical, reliable and most of all put a smile on your face.. And as its got a new engine with new Variable Valve Timing Technology you can expect the fuel economy not to be as bad as you all may think AND CHECK this: A video of a 350Z vs M3 vs S2000 vs Porche Boxter vs Nissan Skyling R34 This is a proper race test round a track from the guys in Japan..look how well the 350z as standard performs....:: http://videos.streetfire.net/search/nissan+gtr/0/ba8f93f0-10cd-41ad-ac35-986e015972b1.htm Hope this helps
  15. im just a tad bit scared to play about with my brakes incase I mess something up....I saw my friend fit my discs, looked easy enough....I really dont want to mess it up though... How hard is it to actually clean out the brake system and bleed the system....I heard you need to go to a garage to bleed the brake system as they use special equiptment
  16. I take it you have to bleed the system first before you can do this?
  17. Ok, I have been getting mad squeeking noises from the left front wheel of my car. I first thought it was the disc..so had them changed (they were damaged anyway) Then i thought I needed some copper grease so I put some on.. BUt as i had the car jacked up I noticed that the wheel which the squeeking was comming from didnt role by itself as freely as the right hand front wheel. It rolls byitself half as long as the right hand wheel.. I spoke to a mechanic friend who said its minor brake seizure, and may needs to go to a garage and clear out the piston, bleed the brake system etc... As I dont find the car pulling to one side when braking or swerving to any particular side he said it should be ok to drive with but as the squeaking noise is killing me I really want to get it sorted.. ALSO I noticed that the caliper has a MITSUBISHI logo on it...I took a picture with phone will post up soon...Is this normal on supra brakes? It has the supra decal on the caliper, but on the top embedded into the caliper is the mitsubishi logo... Need some opinions as to what could be going wrong and what I can do...
  18. Saw a white supra parked up next to the vegetable shops on the otherside of the road from Marks & Spencer. Had spats on the back and looked pretty clean and smooth I think the last few letters on the plate were ****gsd..
  19. Yeahhhh that was me...I was going to post up a thread in here but you beat me to it, I saw the MKiv.net stickers so I knew you would be around...im really liking the spoilerless look,I liked the roof spoiler to was a different look I havnt seen before, its so much smoother.....I pulled up near next to my house..Finally I meet someone from my hood
  20. Ok My front bumper has been bashed up over the last few years..I think I need a replacement...however at this moment I dont have enough to go all out and get the one I want.. Does anyone have a spare bumper lying around that they have spare, or if anyone is thinking of trying something new and getting rid of thier old one even if there is a little bit of damage. I am after any style bumper apart from the veilside.... Let me know if anyone has anything going...
  21. just to let you all know you can pick up the grommets from halfords, i believe the size you want to by is 6mm and 8mm. They managed to fit into the wierd oblong shaped hole... The only problem I have now is getting rid of the stubborn marks left over from the spoiler....!!! How could I get rid of them marks? Metal cleaner? but then would it damage the paint?
  22. I got some copper grease spray and sprayed it onto the back of the brake pads ), as I didnt take wheel off I only managed to put it on the outter side and had to be careful not getting it on the disc itself.. Anyway it seems to have got rid of 80% of the squeeking....Im quite happy with that...going to take it down to my mechanic now so he can take the wheels and pads off and apply the stuff properly onto the back of the pads and calipers... cost about £5 from halfords in a bottle..good stuff..
  23. I cant wait, I cant wait, I cant wait to buy some :), my friends and people in general have been laughing at me because of the cloudy and patchy lenses....Tommorow I have a date with Halfords...
  24. I meant to post this up for a while....Just over the railway bridge in Feltham there are 2 houses almost next to each other who have black supras....Im not sure if one of them still has a supra now as I havnt seen it in a while and instead have seen a Pulsa/starlet.. Anyone from here..
  25. yeah just pull em hard...I accidently broke one not realising that you can just yank them out...Oh well hehe...
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