OK, so my supe doesnt get used all that much, weekends usually as I've got a works van.
This is why Im hoping I'm right with my diagnosis!?!
Last Saturday I was going over to my mates far a medium sized p*ssup (ended up with me walking 15miles home, but thats another story!). I was all ready for starting out, I get in to the Princess, turn the key and..... click.
Hmmm, so I try again....click..... again.... click.
So I close the car, lock it with the alarm fob, open it, and try again. It starts, no probs.I try numerous times and it either clicks, or starts. When it does start it does so with no sluggishness or any signs of low battery at all. It either clicked, or it started.
The battery I've got is a bit of a small, poxy one. So, my question is, is it the battery thats at fault? I've not had a problem in the last 2 years that I've owned the car and 2 years is a good life for a cheap battery (isn't it?).
Does anyone have any other ideas as to what it might be other than the battery.