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Everything posted by Smellywelshman

  1. Cool, who were you with mate, I'm with sky at the mo, but I've been given a really competitive quote (for the N/A) by Greenlight. I'll have to give them both a ring and see.
  2. Yeah, the quote that Jezz gave me includes the TT LSD, I'll probably order a new cam belt from Fensport or somewhere and ask Jezz to fit it, oh and plugs too. Unless they're covered by the quote!!! Jezz????? I'll discuss it with Jezz closer to the time I think.
  3. Cheers, and sorry for my ignorance.... but whats a 'hi stall TC' when its at home:) The egzorst will have to be about third down the list unfortunately, but seeing as I've now decided to basically keep the car until petrol becomes banned (or runs out, whichevers sooner!)! It WILL get done! Oh and I need a new roof on my house too..... but I'm not thinking bout that right now (don't tell the girlfriend!) I wont have to mate..... It'll be that big that you'll be able to see the suns reflection off my teeth from space!!!! Bring it on!
  4. Oh aye, I will do mate. A recent 'why am I going sideways down the road????? OOOOOOOOHHHFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.......' incident has reaffirmed my respect for the rear wheel drive non-traction-control sweetheart that I own. And thats N/A!! I'll take it easy till I've got the hang of her! Should be around the time I reach Jezzybabes gate, What you rekon!!!!??!!!!
  5. I've not spoken my insurance about it yet. But it's coming up for renewal in a week or so, and greenlight have offered me a good premium for the N/A so... hopefully I'll be able to negotiate a fair price for my idea. Cant be much more than for a TT really (quoted 690 by Sky would probably be a lot less from the greenymeanies), then again Insurance is an esoteric law, and one that is understood by very few. Those who dont understand it seem to just add £100 per 50BHP! All I say is Foook it, live the dream. I've been to a couple of funerals of late. A husband and wife, who I knew quite well. They were both retired for less than a year before cancer riddled them and killed them. Proper shit. They never treated themselves to anything! Lifes too short too worry bout material stuff. Specially when that material is something that puts a HUGE grin on your face!!!
  6. Holy moly, thats the first time I've ever seen (or imagined) a hamster doing pullups!
  7. Hmmmm, you do make a thought provoking point!!!
  8. As for you.... I have to learn to crawl before I can walk dear boy!!!!
  9. Cheers Jody depending on funds I may go for an aftermarket system anyway. But we'll see closer to the time!
  10. Nice one mate, will do. And I'll keep you all posted!
  11. Cheers gentlemen, I'll do that Scoot I was thinking of asking him to do something along those lines. The drive back should be......... interesting to say the least!!! Ahem! I've got a mate with a FTO GXR GRX XFS MND or whatever the V6 jobber is. And I'm not going to tell him that I've had it done. Just suggest that we go out for a friendly spin! BURN!!!
  12. Hallo everybody... Right, after much soul searching and weighing up of um numbers I've decided that it's a TT engine/autobox/LSD implant in to my N/A from Jezzybabes thats the one for me... Means that I'll be keeping the car for the forseeable future (as in, can see me never selling her) so not too bothered about effect on future worth. Thinking of doing it within the next month to 6 weeks (ish). Any pearls of wisdom for me guys and gals? (I'm already expecting the 'don't do it' replies but my minds 95% made up!!) First thing after it will be upgrading the brakes, what would my options be for this (other than UK spec all round)? Oh, and how will the N/A exhaust cope or more to the fact what effect do you rekon it would have on the performance of the TT engine? Cheers people....
  13. Aye, did mine while the bumper was off too. You can get a much better finish (especially to the sides) when its off! Oh and gripfill works a treat! Use steel (stainless if you can get hold of/afford it) tho. My mates meshed his FTO in aluminium and it bends out of shape every time a fly hits it (but then again FTO's ARE made out of tin)! Steel isn't that hard to work with! Looks so much better tho! Dont know why Toyota didn't do it to start with!
  14. My dear boy, you really do need to stop typing! The hole you are digging is monumental! Just stop. Full stop!
  15. Mate, you've got to love yourself for what you are..... Even if you do look like a paraplegic spaz with an Emu for a Mum and a caravan for a dad! And for you! How many chips have you fried on that forehead pal?!? Holy moly!
  16. That sounds exatly like what I've got! Right then, I'll go down that route first. Cheers gentlemen, extremely helpful and you may have just saved me 80 fazoons!
  17. Thats what I thought! We're definitely still on for that conversion tho Jezzy! I've been looking at finances, and they're looking good. Final hurdle, INSHURANCE!!!! /vbb/images/smilies/bbcode_grin.gif
  18. Now then, thats not very nice is it!!! Bet thats the same thing the midwife said to your mam just after she spawned you! You ever tried to pick colours being a man?!? It aint easy... We're predisposed to getting shit like that wrong! You should know that!
  19. Anyone ever fitted an ABS system to an N/A wioot one before? Can it be done?
  20. Cheers peeps, was just needing some moral fibre before spending 80 bangers on a fookin battery that I may possibly have not needed. d'ya dig? By the way, anyone know of somewhere that supplies AA batteries for the Supra for less than a kings ransom?
  21. Yeah, it was only one click.... then nothing. There have been some symptoms before though, come to think of it. Slight delay on starting on turning the key, that sort of thing. How much are we talking peeps?
  22. Heeeeeeey maaaaaaaaaan!!! You're pushing your luck fella!!! /vbb/images/smilies/bbcode_angry.gif Theres always one! Well, on here, you're lucky if you only get ONE!!!!
  23. OK, so my supe doesnt get used all that much, weekends usually as I've got a works van. This is why Im hoping I'm right with my diagnosis!?! Last Saturday I was going over to my mates far a medium sized p*ssup (ended up with me walking 15miles home, but thats another story!). I was all ready for starting out, I get in to the Princess, turn the key and..... click. Hmmm, so I try again....click..... again.... click. FUCK!!! So I close the car, lock it with the alarm fob, open it, and try again. It starts, no probs.I try numerous times and it either clicks, or starts. When it does start it does so with no sluggishness or any signs of low battery at all. It either clicked, or it started. The battery I've got is a bit of a small, poxy one. So, my question is, is it the battery thats at fault? I've not had a problem in the last 2 years that I've owned the car and 2 years is a good life for a cheap battery (isn't it?). Does anyone have any other ideas as to what it might be other than the battery.
  24. The wasp died... Not my left nut. Before anyone asks!
  25. Thats some serious shit to happen to your giggle berries man! Did you go stomp them good? I had a queen wasp sting me in my left joy ball once....... It took some time for it to die!
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