Hi mate,
got your PM. My advice would be to hand your car over to Jezz and let him do the major work of swapping all the gubbins over.
Theres no substitute for experience mate, and they've done the heart transplant loads of times. They just know exactly what needs doing, and they dont hang around doing it;)
Theres also brilliant communications (by PM or phone) and just speaking to them puts your mind at ease about any (and there will be a few of them) questions you have.
As scooters said, I'd personally leave BPU for now as its enough to do the swap and as long as you get an fmic fitted with the conversion as I did:d;) BPU will be fairly easy and affordable at a later date!
Besides, you've got to leave yourself some mods to look forward to whan you start getting bored with a mere 330 odd ponies!!
Good luck with it mate, you WONT be dissapointed:d
Oh, and my suspension and brakes are coping fine. Untill I decide to change themthat is!!!