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Everything posted by Smellywelshman

  1. Cheers mate. (thats not going to bring up 'this guys a tosser' on the screen when they punch in the number on the parts computer is it?!?)
  2. Hey guys, anybody know what the part number is for this? Its a stud from the strip holding the upper lip of the bumper mouth to the aluminium cross member. Sorry if the pics a bit poor, taken with um phone and in a bit of a hurry!!
  3. Sophia (classy but a proper goer)
  4. Nice one, cheers. If its from whiffbitz then its bound to be the right one! Off me goes to compare and contrast!
  5. Hi guys, Can anybody tell me exactly what the numbers are on a TT fanbelt, as in type & length? I changed mine a cople of weeks ago and have had a squeal since then, pretty sure its not the crank pulley (as has been mentioned in a few recent threads) as I've checked it. Going to do the 'painting a white line on it' thing tonight though just to make sure! A mechanic mate of mine asked me whether I was sure I got exactly the right belt. And as I've already chucked the old belt I've not got anything to check it against. Does anybody know the numbers off the top of their heads? Or would anybody be kind enough to have a check under their bonnets for me? Thanks folks.
  6. I got them from a place called Import solutions in Cirencester, £45each (as they dont do one that does both:rolleyes:) the boxes seem to work fine but the instructions that come with them are wrong! Took me a while to get it sorted as the blokes that work there are all mongs. If you do buy them and encounter problems, ask to speak directly to their suppliers, it's the only way you'll get any sense!
  7. Hangin' by a thread mate, by a thread!!! The girlfriend has already asked (numerous times) if 'is that it now with that bloody car'. Oh, dear, if only she knew:D
  8. Hmm, one welshman (who is smellier than normal) plus turbo pipes and whatnot???? I'll take her to a mechanic I think! Oh dear, so many things to buy and do. It was all so simple when I was N/A!! So much more fun now though!!
  9. :rlol:hahahahahahahahahahooooo. Just got back in and laughed my tits off at RedM and Mattannas posts! My cats fart as well, but they are no where NEAR as bad as my dogs!cJust looked at his food tins and they say theres tripe in them..... hmmmmm...... you dont need to be Sherlock Holmes to work that one out!
  10. You manage to cork yours in? Mine just tend to let fly whenevers needed! I tend to have little control over or communication from my choccy starfish! (Hence the username:d) I've also taken to trumping on the dogs head, just he still knows whose boss!!
  11. Cheers Homer, I was starting to lean on the side of getting a profeshunul to fit it. Boost gauge is a good idea methinks, whats the general consensus on the best one to get? How much of a job is that to fit? Could my local 'tame' mechanic do it or is it better to take it further afield to a specialist?
  12. Period farts are very close to the smell I'm being forced to endure. But these smell warm, Period farts smell cold and wet!
  13. Yeah, but these are chuffin banzai mate. They'd burn the hairs out of a lesser mans nose!
  14. Its a TT conversion by Jezz, so I dont really know whether its the N/A zorst or whether he swapped it for a TT one. Would I be able to do this without doing the whole fcd & fuel pump gubbins?
  15. I'm sat here on what should be a nice quiet evening, but the dogs firing them out with a cyclical rate that would shame most automatic weapon manufacturers. And they're baaaaaaaaaaaad! Were talking Hiroshima bad here! Why? I know they eat nasty things (he's got a penchance for eating chicken sh1t) but COME ON!! These farts are unreal!! Had to share it with someone, and the girlfriends away for the weekend!
  16. Doh, realised I'd put in the wrong link after looking at it again!! Right fost decat then, kinda makes sense when you think bout it doesnt it:rolleyes:, doncha just love how dopey a mix of heineken and red wine makes you!!! Just a case of unbolting the cat and bolting the pipe in then? Any thoughts on the power gain I could expect?
  17. How easy is it to do the 2nd decat yourself using this? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/TOYOTA-SUPRA-3-0-TURBO-7MGTE-DECAT-DE-CAT-PIPE-NEW_W0QQitemZ290174964621QQihZ019QQcategoryZ38786QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem I am right thinking its the 2nd one aren't I? The one closest the engine. And what kind of performance increase do you think I'll see if I did do it? Ta.
  18. Well, no play in the pulley at all and when I put the belt back on...squeal was gone!! Ah well, at least this was an episode of Supra ownership that DIDNT end up costing me a couple of ton! Cheers for all your help though Ben-San, its much appreciated;)
  19. Well, I've just put it on a stand, taken the belt off and tried to move it from underneath and it's not for budging mate. The engine was running for a few minutes though, so I'll wait until its stone cold and try again. Could it be that the belt just needs running in? Hopefully:)???? When you say rock it back and forth, how do you mean? Turning it in a circular motion around its axis or in a horizontal motion, like trying to make it wobble?
  20. Yeah, I was just looking at the write-up Ian C has done on it and I'd definitely go for an original Toyota one. Time to get a bit oily methinks..... Where would I be able to get a removing tool from? Price? Cheers for your help mate.
  21. Right, cheers for the info. I'll go and check it now. Will I have to take the fan belt off to see if its loose? Which parts will I need to get hold of if it does turn out to be the problem??
  22. I changed the drive/fan belt a short while ago and ever since then theres been a low squeal coming from (its hard to tell but it sounds like) the power steering pump or air con condenser. The steering isnt suddenly going heavy or anything. The air con doesnt work, it never has, well it goes hot but not cold. Any ideas on what the squeal could be? Oh, and it dissapears after the car warms up and its been driven a bit.
  23. Little fuckers.... Just this Saturday one of the lads on site got asked by a 5-8 year old whether he wanted to see his knife! When asked why he had it he replied.... 'well you just dont know whose out there'!!!!! holy moly! ? Unbelievable!
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