Bloody knew I'd get 'clean your footwell' comments!! I think most of the sh1t on the carpet fell out of my hair whilst my head was down there!!!:D
Right, I'm even more confused now! I took the led's off and the ignition barrel bulb returned to normal i.e. it stays on for a few seconds then turns off. So I figured it must be to do with the way I wired them. So I re-wired them all so that each led is in series thinking that they would now act as the ignition barrel bulb did. WRONG!!! now the ignition bulb is fine, but none of the led's come on!!!
Further to this, if I check the first few connections to see if they're live, they are, and each bulb up to the connection I'm testing lights up!
I hate doing car elastictrickery! Any ideas?
I'll make a deal with you, if you help me get this sorted I promise I'll hoover my footwell!!!!