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Everything posted by Smellywelshman

  1. Agreed,very easy to fit...........(he sold them to me!!!)
  2. make sure you get yourself a wobbly sword and practice running along rooftops first though. Dont want you getting yourself into trouble!
  3. It says 'you shall die before you take my honour! and your spatz wont fit stupid roundeye!' but only if you read it whilst poorly dubbing yourself and doing pressups on your thumbs infront of a well! Just like all the best dink films!
  4. I'll pay yours if you'll pay mine;)
  5. Christmas day is my birthday:D You've got to love having a cast iron super dooper guaranteed excuse for cracking open a can of wife beater at 8.45am. makes a diffference from the usual excuses I can tell thee!
  6. DVDFab is another good one,tends to do the ones Shrink has a problem with. You need a cracked copy though. PM'd
  7. Me too!!:D Just got the go ahead for a couple of schemes that should help me along the way. ICE are twats though, they're telling me the experience I have before passing my degree (did it part time through work) doesn't count! Mite go MStructE they're a bit more easygoing.
  8. Oops, forgot to put that in didn't I! They have to be wired in so that there is only one set of positive and negative wires, not in series (2nd attempt) or any sort of 'cascade' (1st attempt!). Hard to describe so I shall use my wonderful talents in paint! Tadaaaaaaaa! Rolf Harris..... eat your heart out!
  9. THEY ONLY BLOODY WORK DONT THEY!!!:d It's only taken me since Saturday!! Jeebus, I'm glad I didn't become an autoelastictrician!! Such a simple job (when you know how!), you lives and you learns! I spoze me being colour blind was Buddas way of saying 'Thou shall not be reet good at bein' a sparky fellah'!
  10. Don't know it this helps. Re: the mental rev counter, I had a recent problemwith my alt, basically it was on its last legs and only charging intermittently. When the battery had finally had enough and lost all charge (no charge whatsoever coming from the alt) the car died and as it did so the turbos were whistling all over the place and the rev counter was dancing the fandango!! Might be worth a check of the alt? I didn't have any of the gear selection problems though. It may be that the alt is not putting out enough charge to keep the engine running when its throwing a wobbler?
  11. How much are you selling these for Nic? A j-spec TT one.
  12. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bumpity bump! Anyone with any ideas?
  13. Bloody knew I'd get 'clean your footwell' comments!! I think most of the sh1t on the carpet fell out of my hair whilst my head was down there!!!:D Right, I'm even more confused now! I took the led's off and the ignition barrel bulb returned to normal i.e. it stays on for a few seconds then turns off. So I figured it must be to do with the way I wired them. So I re-wired them all so that each led is in series thinking that they would now act as the ignition barrel bulb did. WRONG!!! now the ignition bulb is fine, but none of the led's come on!!! Further to this, if I check the first few connections to see if they're live, they are, and each bulb up to the connection I'm testing lights up! I hate doing car elastictrickery! Any ideas? I'll make a deal with you, if you help me get this sorted I promise I'll hoover my footwell!!!!
  14. Hey guys, please help, I've just spent the last few hours wiring in led's to light up the footwells. Everythings fine and they're working, but they wont go off!!! I've taken the power from the light around the ignition key hole, the idea being they came on when you open the door but have the same 5 or 6 second delay as the ignition light. When I put it all together they are now (led's and ignition barrel light) constantly on!?!? Can anybody tell me what I've done wrong:search:? Here's how I've wired it up to the light..... (sorry for poor photo quality)... The red and black wires on the left are the ones going to the led's (obviously:rolleyes:) Many thanks....
  15. Yeah, thas the feeling I got. Bet theres a printed circuit board inside that does diddly squat!
  16. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Toyota-MR2-Supra-Celica-Race-TRD-Charging-Stabilizer_W0QQitemZ260184773613QQihZ016QQcategoryZ72205QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Other than stabalise charges that is! Which I doubt it does anyway!
  17. Has anybody worked out how many litres one notch on the fuel gauge is? I put 41 litres in last night and it gave me 12.5 notches, so thats around 3.3litres (0.73gal) per notch. Sound about right? Trying to establish an easy way to monitor my mpg. If it is 3.3l per notch then I got 20.5mpg on a 15mile run last night (some of which was at 'interesting' speeds with an A3), does that sound right as well? Cheers as always!
  18. Being Welsh gives you an EXCUSE for MANY things, but, unfortunately, it explains nothing!
  19. It's a sketch show that you have to watch from the beginning or else you don't get it?!? It's shit. I've watched various episodes and I haven't even got as far as getting a spark in my brain that thinks its going to spark the spark that will ignite even a smirk! Then again, I do still laugh my arse off at pink panther films.
  20. Hmmm, that snooper saphire looks quite good doesn't it... Looks like it'l warn you if a coppers just looking at you!!
  21. Does road angel pick up mobile cameras then? The ones I saw only did fixed 'safety camera' sites. I ddn't look for very long though Imust admit, boss was hovering around;)
  22. Hey guys, been thinking of getting one for a while now as I'm finally nearing a clean licece for the first time in *cough* years (*frantically looks for a piece of wood to touch*) and chrimbo is on the way after all!! Googling them brings up quuuuuuuuuuite a few options, so I thought I'd ask the most knowledgeable folk I know on the subject;) Whats the best one to go for? Not all that bothered about having satnav as I like following signs and my own common sense when going anywhere. But I would like it to pick up static cameras and copper guns and the like. Don't know if any pickup the camera vans that are prevalent now (especially here in North Wales!!!), but that would be handy too. What are your experiences with them? Value for money? Any advice is much appreciated! Ta.
  23. I'm just glad I wont have to spend half a morning trying to explain what I'm after!! I envisaged something along the lines of 'you know that thingmyjigger wot pokes into the underside of the bumpers wossit you know black with a bobbly doohicky on the top???' Only to be met with silence except for the slight rustle of a tumbleweed!!
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