Hi all,
Has been a while :-) I currently have a '96 Toyota Supra that was a 4-speed auto but was converted to a 6-speed Getrag and new diff etc.. I am not sure of the casing size (don't have VIN number to hand). However, I'm getting excessive crunching at low speed (as if it's welded) and the back-end is pretty twitchy (especially if you down shift on a corner god forbid). In addition, naturally the speed is reading high. To drive I would prefer the regular 6-speed ratio, as feel like I'm just chasing through the gears too quick on track and 2nd/3rd are too low. Between the drive shaft and the diff there is also a bit of play (when inspecting under the vehicle).
Looking through my spec's I believe it currently has:
# ATS Carbonetic carbon 1.5 way diff.
# NA crown wheel & pinion
I want to go back to a LSD regular 6-speed ratio. Is a new LSD and/or crown and pinion required?
Cheers guys,