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Everything posted by Wez

  1. You can now get pay as you drive insurance for multi car owners, not used one myself and I think they may install a tracker to monitor usage.
  2. Wez


    It was Germany and France that blocked / ruled it out along with any other discussions until article 50 is triggered, other member states were happy to get this nailed down ASAP. http://www.politico.eu/article/uk-theresa-may-pre-brexit-expats-plan-nixed-by-german-chancellor-angela-merkel-negotiations-european-union-residence/ http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-theresa-may-angela-merkel-eu-migrants-deal-a7445261.html http://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/737705/angela-merkel-rejects-theresa-may-call-protect-eu-migrants-brexit http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/11/29/donald-tusk-accuses-british-voters-backed-brexit-creating-anxiety/
  3. Wez


    Digging this up House of Lords have just defeated the Government.
  4. Or not How about this one, dress them up in combat gear
  5. Hey All, Anyone else seen this, they have some crazy technology and this is one of the newest additions [video=youtube;-7xvqQeoA8c]
  6. The ACT74 arrived yesterday, came with a complete kit of mounts, two batteries and a padded case. It does 4K but I think 1080 or 720 at 60fps are the best for quality, also has slow motion which is 720 at 90fps.
  7. It should be here tomorrow hopefully, the ACT74 doesnt have connectivity for external mic which is a shame.
  8. Decided to try an ACT74, will let you know what its like
  9. These budget 4K dont seem to bad :-
  10. I think the SJ looks a lot better in that comparison.
  11. Hey All, Looking for an action cam, the Go Pro Hero 4 Silver looks ideal for what I want but sadly been replaced by the new models which are way overkill. Should I try and source Hero 4 or go with some other make? Thoughts
  12. Wez

    Crash Advice

    Is your insurance company already aware?
  13. Not sure on your location but I would deff recommend going to the Home Building show at the NEC, there is a link in my earlier post, I have been a few times and it is a wealth of information from planning, building and material suppliers etc.
  14. Not heard that before, I have had my pump out a few times and never worried about how much fuel I had in the tank.
  15. I would do that with a little microcontroller, could be independent of PC or if feedback is needed to PC then a USB to TTL adapter could be used. For a cheap all in one MC solution you could use an Arduino Nano 5v which are less than £4 on eBay
  16. This seems to be a common approach, buy a run down property, bungalows seem popular for the plot size and then apply to extend which basically means flatten it and start again with a decent size dwelling. Its far easier to get planning for extension / renovation vs planning on land that hasn't previously had it.
  17. A piece of land that has planning permission for a dwelling costs almost as much as the land with the structure already built. Land without any planning permission is dirt cheap as there is no guarantee you will ever get permission, it can sometimes work in your favour if there is a large plot that has been carved up into smaller plots for which the group then applies for planning permission together, again this can be a lengthy process. Been a while since I looked into it but checkout these sites :- https://www.homebuilding.co.uk http://www.plotfinder.net The home building show at the NEC is coming up in March :- http://national.homebuildingshow.co.uk EDIT: just to add, mortgages, you can get trickle release mortgages / loans that assist with the build
  18. Looking good, so where did you get it from and how much
  19. If I want to use decent fuel I always go for VPower, for normal unleaded and diesel I use any brand
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