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The mkiv Supra Owners Club


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Everything posted by NeoFuture

  1. Guys Im off... for good, not coming back, no more supra... it had been standing for 2 years, after spending a fortune doing it up... so im out of here please can an administrator delete my account Thank you for everything Night Night Carl
  2. sorry had a couple of personal issues, back on the case and the badges are currently curing, will be sending them all out in a couple of days, i had 1 set back which prompted me to sort them out sorry for the delay, if anyone wants a refund instead of the badges please email me and i will sort it out
  3. keron sell me the engine and put it in mine
  4. you wouldnt be doing it grigio silverstone will ya
  5. Stock... painted lower lip http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs119.snc1/4865_121389915534_611960534_3312379_559554_n.jpg http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs119.snc1/4865_122229025534_611960534_3324951_251635_n.jpg
  6. thanks and umm..... no they serve there purpose lol
  7. http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs119.snc1/4865_121264285534_611960534_3310316_3408732_n.jpg http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs119.snc1/4865_121264305534_611960534_3310319_2617513_n.jpg http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs119.snc1/4865_121264225534_611960534_3310304_1172026_n.jpg No kit, despoilered, De Wipered, De Squirtered, unfortunatly still de glassed too !
  8. Yep come over and take the old ones off and bring the cash cause I can't undo the bolts
  9. thats not a replica the FATF car has blob indicators not facelifts
  10. nope putting the jade-r`s on when i can get the old ones off
  11. i dont know how to embed it here but just thought i would share some latest pictures of my supe 9RTQCkKx450 http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs119.snc1/4865_122228975534_611960534_3324942_5766754_n.jpg http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs119.snc1/4865_122228980534_611960534_3324943_1338718_n.jpg http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs119.snc1/4865_122228990534_611960534_3324944_4928778_n.jpg http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs119.snc1/4865_122229000534_611960534_3324946_8355711_n.jpg http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs119.snc1/4865_122229005534_611960534_3324947_2878396_n.jpg http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs119.snc1/4865_122229025534_611960534_3324951_251635_n.jpg
  12. did you not see the brackets pfft
  13. A What lol, what is a 78BG 17080 BA
  14. yeah but it still looks like a supra wanabe, the car should be how it is, if we all stopped kitting them and enjoyed the beauty of a supra we would all be in a better place... why do you want to hang bits of dodgy fibreglass on your cars, its beyond me, im sorry but its my opinion, you dont need to kit a car to make it look good or make it original, and kitting supras just makes them the next corsa or nova or astra on the road in my opinion... if you have a real TRD keep it real TRD, if you have a real Top Secret... keep is so... but dont add cheap tacky wanabe fibreglass, if you want to do this sell your supra but an mr2 and put a ferrari kit on it !
  15. we will agree to disagree, i think
  16. first thing i noticed wasnt the belly button it was the bonnet alignment then the belly button then the over 35 face then the legs then i closed it... not impressed
  17. sacralidge, would you buy a ferrari and put a kit on it ? would you own a masserati and but a kit on it ? i know i wouldnt so why kit a beautifull car like the supra ?
  18. nic good to see you around mate, sorry for my hassles, how are you now ? (sorry for the thread hijack) as kits go im sorry, and im REALLY sorry, as toyota made it with some tweeks im going to start an official picket line "NO KITS TODAY, NO KITS TOMMORROW, SACK OUR OILS WORKERS, BUT DONT KIT OUR SUPRAS" sorry ill get my coat
  19. wow thanks, cant believe the love for this look, its really appreciated i was worried that posting a none kitted/despoilered car would get me some flack as its a chosen taste, but seem im wrong (ok so i just invited the haters to post, to be fair all opinions are welcome i did my car how i wanted it to look) i agree with the paint work they have done a phenomenal job, on the whole care with a fine tooth comb ive found 3 bits that need attention and to be honest you wouldnt notice them if you saw it, and its a 15 year old car, credit to the body shop, Euroeast in burntwood, they do an amazing job
  20. yay a spoiler thats a bottle operner too
  21. thanks man, seems to be a good choice LOL
  22. will do buddy, i know your eye will be a LOT smarter then mine, im going to recolour all my seals next coming days great fun
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