WARNING-Don't try any of this at home. My cat once brought back an injured mouse to play around with. Watched by my little sister, I kept pulling it out of the cat's mouth but the cat kept catching and bringing it back. So I grabbed my catapult (Barnett Diablo or something like that) and launched the mouse across the road with the intention to give it a head start. My little sister and I noticed that on take off, the mouse actually seem to break into two. So ghoulishly we set off to find out what had happened to the mouse. It didn't take long to find it. A very anorexic mouse and a mouse life support system by it's side. The G forces were so great that it's entire guts, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and lunch were hauled out of it's rear exit hole. What a waste. If eBay was around I could have sold it for organ donor transplant.