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Everything posted by andrew7

  1. andrew7

    "Alleged Plot"

    I remember one of the lines to a song from years ago, called "Right Now" if I remember correctly (can't remember who by tho), which went, " Right now, your own government is doing things which you think only other governments do.."..... OK, so a few "scares" like this per year, "justifying" 10,000 more cameras on our streets every year and tightening and introducing more laws which restrict our liberties and freedom. They now have us exactly where they want us....it's taken them a long time to set this up perfectly, but now they have us..period... They are exploiting exactly what any tyrant does, create fear and then extract as much from the fearful victim as possible, in fact steal form them and work them to death.... then find a new batch....
  2. andrew7

    best oil

    Apparently the grade for a UK Starlet is 10W-30, but I daresay a 10W-40 or even a 5W-40 would be fine (the former just gives you slightly higher temp stability).. Fully synth is best....
  3. andrew7

    best oil

    What brand oil do you find good in your Soop?...
  4. That include the Chav in the suped up Nova teilgating you at 60MPH?....
  5. I'd actually say it's very good stuff. I do have one modification in the usage tho.. I jetwash my car with pure water first (£1 at Sainsburys) either earlier that day or the night before. I find I then use far less of the stuff and it is far more economical... It does work fine the way they say on the label tho too......
  6. Yes but isn't it great that on here you can more or less say what you like to someone who is a foot taller than you and not end up on your back......
  7. Looks like the stuff I have been using all year now, but re-packaged under a different name. We have already had a couple of threads on this.. Full details here: http://www.go-waterless.co.uk/ultra-ion-reviews.asp I have very good results from it. It contains a superior finishing polish. Is, in my opinion as good as Mothers, Maguiars, if not better as it can be applied in direct sunlight, with no streaking etc... I have also found that my car stays cleaner for much longer, which being black is quite important... This pic was taken three days after a wash...
  8. TBH oil technology has advanced a bit in the last few years. It is probably better to ask what oil Toyota would be recommending if the car was produced today. i think the answer to that would more than likely be a fully synthetic of good quality. As for grade, I have been using a 0W-30 instead of 10W-30 (Toyota recommended for my car) with no problems (Amsoil) and no increased oil consumption. I had an oil test done at 3000 miles (which is my car's (Soarer TT) recommended change interval) and the laboratory recommended that I could use the oil for another 3000 miles, soi although the oil was more expensive initially, I have at least doubled the change interval. I saw an oil performance comparison test some time ago and it was surprising in that some of the well known branded oils broke down quite substantially on some of the tests. Hence my final choice of oil...
  9. Noob, buy the best oil you can afford. It does make a difference. I would now only use something like Silkolene or Amsoil. Their long term test results speak for themselves.... Are you Turbo or N/A?...
  10. John, can't you control this through "network connections" in your Control Panel. You must have the option somewhere of who your computer talks to, and choosing a default. Are you broadband?....
  11. The 5W figure is only active at low temperatures for low temp protection and startup. The 40 figure is what is relevant as the engine gets up to temp. 40 should be plenty stable enough (not thin out) at high temps for a Soop. However it does depend on which brand oil you are using, as some lose a lot of their properties within a very short period of pouring the oil into the engine.....you'd be surprised..... What oil are you using?......
  12. That would have made a lot of noise surely?...so none of the neighbours heard/saw anything then..... I blame Eastenders....
  13. TBH I would not rule out the possibility that there may be repercussions.. Everyone he talks to for a couple of days is goig to ask him how he got a swollen face...and one or more will probably suggest some kind of group revenge, on you or your car. Also remember that one in three adult males in the 18-25 age group carries some kind of weapon, so if say only six or seven of them turned up you'd be in trouble, no matter how big or angry you are. I would go to the gym in a different car and wear different clothes for a couple of weeks until they have lost interest. Pretend you aren't you. It was probably so fast he can't remember what you look like anyway...
  14. Yes looks like someone has adjusted the facts to fit the weird theory..point taken Sorry bout the repost...
  15. I liked the bit about M/S Word tho.... Still think it's "Weird" rather than "bollocksy" though...
  16. http://www.club-jap.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?p=11283#11283
  17. Yes but you'd have a job doing 20,000 mile per year up there....
  18. Nothing will get done while we keep paying.... And please don't blame it all on the oli companies, they only make a fraction of what the government taxes add to the price...it's the govt. that should be making adjustment....
  19. And it's predicted to get worse.. forecast price for crude by the end of the year is £100 per barrel...... I should look for some overtime....
  20. Call Shell in London mate...
  21. I think bulbs work or not depending on the design of the lens reflector. I have a Soarer and the standard bulbs are pants...spent the whole time trying to see where the edge of the road is..... Tried lots of "upgrades" which gave slight improvement, but the ring bulbs were noticeably better than anything else, in fact I had my car next to a guy with HID and couldn't see much difference. Now I drive around counrty lanes at night etc and don't even think about the lights at all...
  22. Jonnie, I have a sat nav which also plugs into the cig socket for aux power. What I did find out was that you should never start the car with the sat nav plugged into the cig socket,i.e. if you stop the engine always unplug the cig socket lead to your unit and don't plug it back in until the engine is started again.... Apparently the electrics in these leads are not too sophisticated and a start up surge can fry them...
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