I was a die hard f1 fan and have not missed the british gp for some years, however the current situation confirms to me that it is not really a sport, but a farce, Alonso is a twat, worse than Schumacher is alledged to have been, i have always been a Ferrari fan even in the dark days, however i can take it or leave it now, the "sport" is full of whingeing tossers like Mark Webber, Alonso, Raikonnen etc, and then there is the FIA, they are now even reviewing prodrives entry for next year, what will it be next "Coulthard called me a twat, FIA could you please investigate"??, i do not really give a monkeys now, just as long as Alonso does not win, as his actions towards his own team, are worse than cheating against another team, let him go back to Renault with Flavio Briawankertore!!