There is no money to be made if there is no global warming threat, i mean they can charge £6 for low power light bulbs, solar panels, hybrid cars etc etc, new products equals big business and is a good political card to play(if we are green they will love us), they don't want us to keep buying petrol and old technology, the earth i'm sure goes in cycles co2 may not help or it may not make much difference, and one day the sun will explode, before that there will probably be another ice age, warming age, and before the sun explodes the super volcanoes may erupt:search: it's all sh**e, and one thing for sure is that most living things breathe in oxygen and exhale c02 as well as emit methane so there is no hope unless we all kill ourselves, then the piles of rotting flesh would probably create so much co2 that it would be hopeless