Coming home from work this eve in the Aristo, roads wet, thought must be careful, bloke goes past me in a Lexus gs450h like an idiot approaching a tight roundabout, right hander that leads on to a 2 lane 1/2 mile slip road onto bypass, ect was on, got round the roundabout and accelerated not full throttle, whole back end of car went swung right then left, i go into an embankment which has a 2 foot wide gravel base thinking i am going to flip the car, steered out of it somehow foot of gas and end up back on slip road 180 degrees round facing the opposite way, if anything else had been coming up it they would have gone head on into me, 5 sec later 4 cars came hurtling past, gravel all across carriageway, car did not stall so i drove to a slip way, no damage at all anywhere but one side of car looks like Colin Macrae drove it home, waited a minute then drove home carefully, roads were greasy and the bitch caught me out, i have learnt a valuable lesson, bloke in the 450 must have had good traction control because he flew around the roundabout, bast**d:blink: