Here it is guys . . .
I gave up a 36K a year job to move down to Devon two years ago. I rent a nice little house and have been teaching in a few schools down here. Trouble is, I cant get a permanent job here, its not that I'm crap (or so they say) its just that jobs are so few and far between that usually when they come up they've already been earmarked for someone else. I've looked for other work but to be honest, with my outgoings I need to take home a minimum of £300 a week, which down here is nearly impossible unless you've got some exec job after working your way up for 20 years!
So, I could always move back to the Midlands where I could walk into a job tomorrow. But, quality of life (and this is no disrespect to anyone who lives there) would be seriously affected and overall happiness reduced.
So, I'm thinking, money although not seriously tight is dwindling and I've got a nice Supra sat outside that hasnt moved for two weeks. How can I warrant that? I could use that money to collect some interest in the bank, and just make me feel a lot less stressy about the next few months financially. I'm thinking of trying to find some self-employed opportunity - doing what i just dont know - which could keep me down here, in which case I would need the money from the Supra to fund it.
Sell and stay or keep and move ? ? ?