Went out in the car before Christmas (a rareity for me these days) pulled up at PC World, parked and went shopping. Came back to the car twenty minutes later to find the damn thing would not start. Guessing I'd run out of petrol (it has been so long since I last put some in) I went over to Tescos, bought a can and put a fivers worth in.
The fuel pumps are running and the engine does fire, but needs constant right foot pumping to keep the car spluttering before dying its death.
Called the AA guy out, who after two more petrol cans (because he guessed she might be a thirsty one!!) and still no joy of keeping her running, was taken home on the back of a low loader with the advice that she might need more fuel, or the carb/injectors are blocked with crap.
Tried turning her over for the first time since today and now have a flat battery. Whilst the car is on charge I was wondering if you guys had some simple advice to try before getting ridiculously ripped off by a local (dont know anything about cars unless its a metro) garage.
A neighbour has suggested redex in the petrol to try and clear the injectors, but fear this may be far too simple and uneffective.
It may of course be a non-fuel related problem, but the syptoms to me sound like petrol, turning over, starting, then spluttering like it doesnt have enough fuel getting in.
Any advice greatly appreciated.