Bringing this back to life . . .
Eventually got a good enough day to work on the car yesterday!!
As the car is so low, thought I'd check the fuel was getting to the engine first before raising her up to get to the fuel filter.
When I opened the bonnet I found that my fuel pressure was zero so thought ok, fuel filter. Removed a hose from just before the fuel pressure guage and hey presto there was fuel. The fpg sits on a valve type thing? What is that? I tried to blow through it but couldnt get air to pass through so guessing no chance of petrol getting through? There was a screw on the top which I undid and tried again. This time air passed through lovely???
Connected it all back together and turned car over. Still same problem, turning over, trying to start but no joy.
Removed the first spark plug and it was quite wet. Unfortunately light left me so am going to take them all out today, dry them out and clean them up.
If it wont start then, I think I'm stuck.