Sorry guys, but am after some more advice . . . .
Last time I drove the supe I parked up outside PC world, came out and the car wouldnt re-start. Thought it might have been out of petrol so canned up to £15 worth. Car turned over and spluttered, started with lots of right foot pumping but wouldnt hold the revs and kept cutting. Managed to get home (only just) courtesy of the AA and after advise from you guys checked fuel lines - fuel is getting through to the engine but only coming through the fpr at 16psi (although not sure if this is faulty as petrol spurts through quite fast and freely), cleaned plugs but they werent that bad and were sparking.
With limited mechanical knowledge I decided to seek help and have asked numerous local mechanics who will not touch a modified supra (bloody seaside devon).
Problem is, car wont start, turns over but doesnt fire, its auto so cant get towed further afield to a garage elsewhere, no mechanics locally will look at it and its so bloody low I cant get it onto a loader very easily so garages wont move it for me.
Can anyone please help out with any suggestions that I might be able to check through myself. I'm guessing the next thing maybe the O2 sensor but am not sure where the hell to start looking for that? Also, am I right in thinking if it was an alarm/immobiliser problem then I wouldnt get any spark at the plugs?
Anything greatfully received, alternatively anyone want to buy a car?