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Everything posted by sarjo

  1. Ok, just had the call I've been waiting for. Car is almost ready, gearbox is back on and the one or two little bits of tidying up can be done whilst in transit. Just got to pack a bag (again) drive 120 miles to get to her, then drive a further 150 miles up to Midlands - all in Bank Holiday Monday traffic. Look out for us en-route to give us an encouraging wave
  2. You're quite calm considering . . . .
  3. sarjo

    2003, Kia Sorento XS 3.5 V6 Auto

    Engine Specifications: 3.5litre V6 Turbocharger & Induction: Fuel, Tuning & ECU: Exhaust: Full stainless with twin rear pipes Drivetrain: Weight Reduction & Transfer: Suspension, Wheels, Tires & Brakes: Upgraded 18" Kia Alloys Interior & ICE: Exterior: S/Steel Front & Side Bars Performance:
  4. Bloomin heck - mines been in the garage since Friday - 3 days - and I'm missing her. She's not even my daily driver but to look out of the window and she's not there
  5. Excited for you mate. I've heard they do loads of good work up there so good choice. How long is it going to take them - you'll miss her whilst she's away
  6. I was a student in Bedford for four years - go on, have a drive to MK, price up a turbo conversion, you know you want to
  7. sarjo

    EGT gauge

    Scooter - I used to drive a Mondeo, so please dont insult me . . . not thrashing the car, just driving it as anyone would on the motorway, dont think that all supra drivers are twats when they get behind the wheel, and my supe certainly isnt a penis extension unlike for some!!!! I think after spending quite a lot of money on the car in the first place, I'm not gonna go out and do anything to wreck it in any way. Why do you think I'm sharing my concerns with people who might know or understand what is going on. Just need to know that everything is ok to take it the 200 mile or so further to get it looked at properly. Matt, yep, car belonged to leon Brittan. Do you know of it or him?
  8. sarjo

    EGT gauge

    Yeah, will do. That makes me feel happier knowing the car aint gonna blow up on the m5! The car was doing about 85-90 leptons on average at 3000 revs and hitting 12-1300 on the egt. Does that sound about right? Will have to try a conversion of F to C to compare with Jamie OK - just done that 1200 is 648.9 oC 1300 is 704.4 oC. I was told Friday that the pistons are made of aluminium and the melting point for these is 660 oC, does anyone know if thats right cus if thats the case and my dials are right, I shouldnt have any pistons left, nor Jamie !!!!! I guess it depends where the sensor is though eh?
  9. Tell me about it, shall we all chip in and buy a club disused airfield
  10. sarjo

    EGT gauge

    Chris - havent messed with the fuelling but it is in desperate need of a bloody good mapping! Its aem and to be honest dont think its had a proper mapping since it went on the car about eighteen months ago. Trying to get it to Bijal on Tuesday but at the mo gearbox is off the car again. Was told that 14 was about right on the AFR, I actually think its running a bit rich . . . Yes it is in fahrenheit, no special engine for me . . yet ! Didnt buy the car off Leon Green, but another Leon in Southampton who told me when I bought the car that 1000 was about right?? So, am I going to get the car from Cwmbran to Leicester on Tuesday without doing some damage? How can I eliminate faulty guages without putting new ones on? Sorry for the highjack Jamie
  11. sarjo

    EGT gauge

    Have got an AFR, when she gets going she's averaging about 14 - which I've heard is about right. So whats happening to make it go so high? Gotta check out where the sensor is then . . . . any ideas?
  12. sarjo

    EGT gauge

    Scary, mine averages about 1000 - but yesterday it hit 1200 after an hour at 70-80mph on the motorway???
  13. Well - just got back to Devon, minus the supe, minus a trip to the Midlands. Got the car to the garage in Cwmbran yesterday fine but poor Adam had a nightmare with the box - nothing wrong with it just awkward to take off to get the new torque converter in. No where near ready last night so spent the night at a travel lodge insead. Today, Adam worked his socks off and at 8.00 gone this evening I set off on my way to the Midlands via an Optimax fill up. Pulling out of the petrol station I was stopped by a couple of guys there telling me that bright red transmission fluid was gushing out of the box!!! A quick trip back to the garage, thankfully only just down the road, to leave her there to get sorted. So, back to Devon, hopefully picking her up Monday night if all is done to head up to Midlands before dropping her off in Leicester on Tuesday. I just get the feeling that me and that car are gonna fall out Thank you cj for finding me Adam - he's been a big help the last two days
  14. sarjo

    G'day - Leg Room

    Crikey - what is this . . . you have to be 6' plus to be a supra owner I've never known so many tall people.
  15. Geography not your best subject at school Col, Sth Devon - Sth Wales - Midlands, I hope I dont go anywhere near Oxford!! BTW - me baps are big baps with lots of filling
  16. Some of you will know that I bought my first Supra about a month ago, you may also have read that since then its been very much ups and downs. Firstly the car kept stalling on me, I cant do a journey without pulling up at one junction or another and cutting out. Secondly it took me three days to remove my dash to check out my speaker connections to the head unit, only to find that its probably the rear speakers knackered as everything was plugged in in the right places. Then last Sunday the car lost power, things started beeping and guages started waving at me. Well cars are now packed - two for the outgoing journey, one for the return - and tomorrow morning I'm taking her firstly to Newport (courtesy of CJ) to have a torque converter fitted and then upto Wolverhampton to spend a few days with my parents before taking the car to Bijal (FM Racing) on Tuesday in Leicester for the week to get mapped. The chicken baps have been made, the flask is ready to fill, the map is in the car (not posh or rich enough to have sat nav) and the AA card put in the glove box. Fingers crossed we're gonna make it
  17. sarjo


    My mate's tried to talk me out of buying my supe "cus they're crap!!" He's now spent a grand doing up his Saxo since xmas and thinks he's got the dogs bllx of a car compared to mine I've spent a grand filling it up with Optimax
  18. I'm trying to arrange the car to get to Bijal but when its nearly a 300 mile trip to him, I want to make sure the cars safe to make it!! Yep, things started going a little awol after a bit of boost - first i noticed was when evc started beeping? Its drove a little better this morning, just not sure if the oil press guage is behaving itself, not that i think I've ever watched it whilst driving!! Will lift the bonnet later and have another look. Thanks TT.
  19. Ok, took it out for a little ride this morning. Egt started at 500ish then shot up to 1000 again, oil pressure started at 85psi went down to 50 then moves up and down with the pressure on the right foot. Driving her very, very carefully, she seems sluggish and it sounds like the turbo is spooling earlier. Somebody tell me that its the ems having a bad week rather than the turbo being shot!!! Bit worried about the guages so maybe electrical and I'm just paranoid about the drive. Come on guys, I need to hear something from you . . . .
  20. Ok - I've re-read and I'm just as confused as you lot must be. Driving along, the evc starts beeping away so i look around and the following is happening, egt was 1000 and oil was 85psi. no other anomolies other than when i got home I realised that my passenger must've knocked the manual button by the side of the gear changer. Havent checked my oil levels or the battery connections yet. When I re-started the car earlier the oil guage was moving to match the revs???? I know the car is in desperate need of a bloody good mapping but I'm waiting to fit other things on before I get it mapped up properly.
  21. Ignore me - exhaust temp thing went down to 500 ish, oil was at about 80/85 psi at its worst but then dropped to about 50. Just been out and strated her up. She's ticking over at about 850rpm, exhaust temp is now 300 and the oil is 50psi - BUT oil temp keeps going up and down if I put the revs on???
  22. Dont know, I'm in the house watching it rain!! When I switched off earlier it had gone down to about 500 but did this on the way back home til i put my foot down a little - and it shot up back to just below 1000! It is a really warm day . . . but . . . The oil normally runs at about 5-700 ish
  23. Ok, sunny day, I get up, clean her top to bottom inside and out then take her for a spin. She drives fine, gets admiring glances, we eat an icecream by the sea and then go home. Done about 20 mile on the way back giving it a little boost every now and again but not a lot, when my HKS EVC starts beeping away, I notice that the oil pressure has shot way high and the guage below it which I think measures exhaust temp scaled to 1000!! She just didnt feel right after that but I think I was being paranoid. Trundled home and when I pulled up realised that the manual button (auto) had been pressed somehow by accident, but other than that everything else was as it had always been. Checked for loose hoses, couldnt see any, engine temp (according to the guage which i dont hold hope at being 100% reliable) was ok. When I revved the car the oil temp shot up and down with the revs. What have I done? Any ideas? Havent been out since as its now peeing down with rain. I'm a bit worried because after this the car felt sluggish and less responsive. What should I check?
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