Damn! thats got to hurt the wallet
Did you do any of the work yourself? I thought ide save by doing the dismantling and assembly myself, (it all helps)
Ive got her stripped ready to go to garage for jigging, tuesday next week, i hope ive got away with needing to replace the inner wing, the front panel is bent slightly but not kinked so im hoping (PRAYING) that it can be saved.
Ive got to be optimistic and hope that the suspension isnt damaged (Both wheels point in the same direction!) or that ll be even more cash
Think its gonna be a little project for me over the next few months, but im having trouble finding second hand part like the bonnet and wings... Pain in the backside but im in no rush..
Cant claim on insurance coz ill loose my claims bonus then never be able to get another soop (Was gonna get a TT in April)
Got to keep the dream alive somehow.....