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Everything posted by D8MOA

  1. D8MOA


    you can buy these steel belt things that attatch to the cats to stop them being stolen http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=catalyst+antitheft&um=1&hl=en&safe=off&sa=N&rlz=1C2CHNU_en-GBGB431GB455&biw=1440&bih=785&tbm=isch&tbnid=xVK6iD1eDJBPFM:&imgrefurl=http://www.autoaccessoriesgarage.com/Exhaust/CatClamp-Catalytic-Converter-Lock&docid=N_Jj5VPUiqWMZM&imgurl=http://www.autoaccessoriesgarage.com/img/group/main/48/4856_2_lg.jpg&w=875&h=641&ei=h7SqT96iMoXJ0QXvx52kAQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=445&sig=117380945538457419645&page=1&tbnh=131&tbnw=181&start=0&ndsp=28&ved=1t:429,r:17,s:0,i:110&tx=35&ty=53
  2. i would PERSONALLY be looking at the toad alarm... just bypass the two immobilizers and see what happens! i have had many issues with alarms in the past and not many issues with non start supras
  3. a focus i took in px off one of our drivers at work http://www.gumtree.com/p/cars-vans-motorbikes/2005-ford-focus-zetec-climate-auto-grey-16-84k-full-history/101986581
  4. full suspension rebuild atm.... on the drive on axle stands lol
  5. if mine is back on the road i will be
  6. paypal as a gift or as a payment with 4% added
  7. nice...i broke one on my old auto hitting the brakes so hard
  8. prob looking at £20 according to paisleyfreight to post both ibrar
  9. bit risky posting something like that overseas
  10. got a video somewhere of my friend full size python eating a rat... the speed he strikes at is amazing
  11. i will weigh and get a price
  12. there is surface rust but id stil say usable or for parts/rolling shell? £50
  13. few marks if you want it mint would advise a respray
  14. full decat fitted.. dont think vvti's need the restrictor ring as simler to the uk set up..... no fcd is fitted as its running stock boost.........all that car has is full exhaust and a hks filter
  15. i have a box of sparks if your interested
  16. if the unions are crimped on different for the left and right you will have problems..... id be looking at swaping the front lines over
  17. i ment the other new braided line that come with the kit
  18. is it worth trying the other front line to see if it fits better?
  19. are pulse still employing 16 year olds and paying them in haribo?
  20. carpet is still in, i can get pics tommrow
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