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The mkiv Supra Owners Club


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Everything posted by Gaz6002

  1. I had an SSQV and in the end we removed the fins so it didn't sound like you'd just trod on a mouse when you came off the throttle. I found it incredibly annoying. If I were doing it again (which I keep considering) I'd be using the HKS Racing one Nic suggested and I'd plumb it back into the intake system. Dumps valves are a bit crap if you ask me.
  2. I think he means more 'race car look' than actual race car. Properly racing a car covered in fibreglass bodykit is a recipe for financial ruin.
  3. Can you cut out the txt spk too please?
  4. As it is now, £4k. Fixed and taxed, maybe £5.5k.
  5. What's the value of having extened wheel nuts?
  6. You've not learnt to use it, but that doesn't mean it's not useful.
  7. Speculation. No facts whatsoever.
  8. Gaz6002

    how much..

    £1,500 if it has tax and MOT.
  9. Looks expensive to me... I'd be surprised if your insurers will want to fix that
  10. No, standard ECU can't be mapped. A 400bhp BPU car on 95 ron will explode very soon. Welcome to the club, by the way.
  11. Gaz6002


    Well I bet that was a shock for the seller.
  12. I don't think it is, but then I understand the insurance market. In fact I've written several features and news articles on it for national news publications. I understand about risk and what's involved, and why no insurance company is going to want to quote you on TPF&T for a car like a modified Supra
  13. Third party is often more expensive than fully comp in these situations. It implies more risk, since you're not willing to insure the car properly why would you look after it properly?
  14. If it's built properly and maintained well it'll be fine. Over-heating is only an issue if you've fitted the wrong parts.
  15. Do you mean racing or trackdays?
  16. You'll have to drain the coolant, otherwise you'll get very wet
  17. http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/23898029.jpg Welcome Carl. We're big fans of your work.
  18. http://www.youre.co.uk/
  19. This has been cancelled due to white stuff on the ground. https://www.facebook.com/santapodraceway/posts/10151261268003528
  20. I find it worrying that you obviously don't know a huge amount, yet are spending a huge amount to build a hugely fast car. Buying and reading this book will help you more than you could ever imagine: http://www.google.co.uk/products/catalog?hl=en&rls=com.microsoft:en-gb:IE-Address&q=street+tuning+book&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.41018144,d.ZG4&biw=1229&bih=892&wrapid=tlif135833110375310&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=17378937359483574409&sa=X&ei=6Hz2UP69C8iGhQeAqIGQDw&ved=0CE4Q8wIwAw
  21. I think you need to do some serious research before going further
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