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Everything posted by Gaz6002

  1. It gives them something to complain about. And in our little micro-society it gives the moderators something to do
  2. Gaz6002

    vosa mot ban

    Probably 'rat' style too
  3. Gaz6002

    vosa mot ban

    Something tells me we're not hearing the whole story here.
  4. Gaz6002

    supra crash

    Cor that's an old one.
  5. Not sure about the panel filters, but the induction kits aren't the best TBH and let quite a bit of crap through. A different type of filter might be better. I lost two sets of turbos because of HKS filters.
  6. Is there any shaft play? You never know, they might last ages. What air filter have you got? Those blades look like they've taken a battering.
  7. Nice! Looks like he could have gone faster on some of those corners as well. That track looks amazing
  8. http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=whifbitz+phone+number&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=
  9. I suppose it's better than seeing it on some police camera action program again - marginally.
  10. Gaz6002

    Big hit!!

    Yeah, but it's old to me lol. I watch a lot of hockey. Nearly as much as I watch motorsport! I watched someone have his skate knocked off with a hip check once. Unbelievable. Can't beat a bit of Don Cherry p1sL83oOVjQ
  11. Gaz6002

    Big hit!!

    That's an old one - but a good one I've seen worse hits though. Especially when I was playing in Manitoba. Those kids know how to hit lol I have some hilarious videos of me playing in under-14s in the UK when a huge scrap kicked off against Telford. Those were the days! I should get them on DVD really.
  12. Why would a proper paint job be worse than a satin paint job? I don't see the logic in that?
  13. ... short and sweet. Here's my handle, and here's my sheep
  14. Same here, but they ran out of £££. It was a bit of a surprise for me too.
  15. Sounds like a nice spec, and I expect it is a boost controller but I'd suggest you don't play with it until you confirm exactly what spec you have and what it all does. Otherwise you'll damage things and worst case will blow your engine.
  16. Well yeah, although I suppose the reading might be on a boost controller as well. No idea without seeing it
  17. It's a boost/vaccum gauge. Numbers under 0 are vaccum and over are the boost your turbos are making.
  18. It's MUCH better to drive the car slowly rather than have it sitting there idling. No point in turbo timers at all IMO.
  19. In the 90s there was a case of a 17-year-old being insured on a new Ferrari F355 as his first car. His premium cost £117k for a year if memory serves correctly.
  20. Yes, it's true. I'm sure the owners will be sorting out refunds. If you've lost out it might be worth a PM to the guy who started this thread.
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