My story...
I bought my first 360 a couple of years ago, I was into my PC games back then (On a mediocre PC), but one go on a friends 360 on Gears of War, and Forza 2 was all it took to convince me, the next day I'd bought my XBox with no hesitation.
I've been gaming since 1983 (When I was 6 ) so have experienced many of the 'WOW's' through the years, but the 360 gave me a massive buzz that I hadn't felt for years (No, not in my pants), so much so that I ended up transforming my flat with a 46" 1080p TV, £700 worth of home cinema kit, even new sofas so I was even more comfortable playing on it, things I wouldn't have even thought about buying before... (Like 'ambient' lighting so I could have the lights off and still see the ashtray whilst having the nice big screen shining in the dark )
Games like Forza 2, GTA IV, Fable 2, and Fallout 3 kept me entertained week in, week out, in a good way though, now with the kind of obsession that World of Warcraft has...
I loved the media streaming features too, so much so I bought another TV (40" 720p Samsung), for the bedroom, and my 2nd 360, an Elite, so I put my original in the bedroom...
Both 360's have served me faultlessly, apart from one occassion (See below), despite many, many, many hours of use, gaming, streaming, there's been no issues...
But I thought a couple of months ago, as I've got this great cinema setup in the lounge, how about getting into some HD content for films? (I can't have a Sat dish so no Sky or FreeSat and I don't live in a cable area )... So I bought a PS3...
And that's where the hassles started...
Firstly, and most annoyingly, it won't play sound through the optical output... Sony has said it's an issue with my amp (I've tried the 'Bitstream' configuration fix), and I've also tried 3 different amps (My sisters fiance works at Comet )
Secondly, it doesn't like playing normal DVD's, at about 15 minute intervals, they skip, and slow, Sony has blamed this on scratched disks... It's odd how they play fine in anything else I put them in, and as a bit of an an@l DVD collector, I treat my disks with care...
Thirdly, I just don't seem to enjoy playing it as much as the 360... Admittedly I ended up with Saints Row 2, which is just c0ck, but I also have Infamous, which was fun for about an hour, and Little Big Planet that I thought could be a giggle when drunk, but winding people up in the Internet when drunk's more of a laugh...
The only issue I've had with the 360 is my recent RROD... It's happened to my original unit, and yes, I have another one, however, that box has had way too many hours of gaming time that I'd like to admit to, and a simple bit of form filling on the MS website has ended up with me getting it all sorted, for free... Not like the issues I have with the PS3, with Sony (And Currys where I bought it) that are still ongoing and I've had since new...