I can only hold my head in despair at this whole season, it's a huge tub of s**t which keeps getting deeper...
Watching last night was upsetting, over 90 minutes, against a much lower team, and the only goal we could score was a fluke? There should have never even be a replay, we should have won 3-0 - 4-0 in the 1st leg!...
This season's all going to pot (No namepun intended), and I'm now in the feeling that something has to change at a management level...
Aquaman (Yes I know he's hardly had much playtime) just hoofs balls upfield...
Lucas is scared of any other player, and the ball too, and makes loads of passes, usually to no-one, and usually forgets which direction he's meant to be going...
Kuyt, when he's not slipping over seems to only favour passing sideways, and can't seem to get the ball in the same direction as he's looking...
Gerrard, just looks p!55ed off, and bored, but with the cr@p around him, it's understandable...
Rafa, Well, there's a complete discussion in that nutshell... (Wrong team?) He chooses the team, (No Motivation?) - He mnotivates the team, (Cr@p tactics) It's him who decides them...
The atmosphere within Anfield last night was evil, and got progressively worse as the night went on, and the anger's deserved I say, last night was a felching disgrace...