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Everything posted by Pot

  1. Pot

    Laptop 'help'

    Could it be the PSU at fault, getting too hot and cutting out giving false positives on the CPU and HD temps?
  2. Pot

    S- video lead

    That surely isn't an S-Video connection? Can you take a pic of it? EDIT : Best to take pics of 'everything'
  3. lol - My bad, that's another one on my list, I used to drink it all the time a few years ago, can't remember it working, but I'll give it another go just in case Aye!... That tasted loads better than the Strawberry, and was my colour of choice once the red barf didn't have any effect on my parents...
  4. Pot

    S- video lead

    2 things spring to mind... Does your 'S-Video' output port on your laptop have any colour around it? (Green/Purple) How many holes does the S-Video input on your TV have?
  5. That post reminded me of good old Mad Dog 20-20, the drink you could personalise the colour of the vomit you'd certainly be producing later (Strawberry was the best option to pick if you wanted to scare your parents with the redness)... Although back in those days, I never seemed to get hangovers :S Nowadays, I haven't found a cure... I've tried water, fryups, McD's, Berocca, Hair of the Dog, fruit juice, and none work at all, just time and an early night the day after Has anyone tried those supposed hangover cures, like RU-21?
  6. Only just seen this thread, got to say fair play to you all - That spoiler looks fantastic! The sheer over the topness of it fits in with the hilarity of the event
  7. Mass Effect 1 is a great game, I'm really looking forward to this one
  8. +1 I agree, watched it a few weeks ago, and it's a damn good flick
  9. Aye, you're not wrong there JW's a legend in my eyes (Well, ears )
  10. The Star Wars music is very powerful though, so much so it has to have soime credit for the success of the films... Without being somber, (Although being geeky), I've got 'Light of the Force' in my will as my last tune
  11. I'd go for cocktail sticks in the eyes... Or failing that, some gentle warnings about their deposits if they're causing damage?...
  12. With hands that skilled, a love for Star Wars, dressing half like a stormtrooper, and nice lungs... I don't give a toss about her face, she's my ideal woman!... Now if she can only help me infiltrate this bunker so we can get the shield down... Club meet on Endor if it works?
  13. My current setup : http://www.mr-pot.co.uk/images/random/TV4.jpg http://www.mr-pot.co.uk/images/random/TV2.jpg 46" Samsung 1080p with a custom surround sound setup (I have the same Saturn 10 speakers to the rear too ) XBox Elite, PS3, and a Wii if I can be bothered to put it back in... Need to spend some time organising the cables though... (And need another bookcase for all the extra DVD's... ) - And want to buy some different art to fit around the TV... It all looks a bit odd ATM... Not allowed to mount a screen on the wall though as I rent - But the stand was a great choice, and does give a great impression in itself Not really a cinema setup, but in the bedroom : http://www.mr-pot.co.uk/images/random/TV9.jpg 40" 1080p Samsung, XBox 360, wireless sennheiser headphones so I don't annoy the neighbours It's great for pr0n lol
  14. Pot

    Liverpool 2-1

    There's a whole lot of the anger in the stands, getting worse and worse game by game... Half at Rafa, and half at the players, the boos in the Reading game are an example of that...
  15. Pot

    Liverpool 2-1

    Aye, I'm thinking you might be right there, he gets paid no matter what... To pay him off, I'm suggesting Lucas (A flinchy chicken misguided sack of clunge), Babel (They should have taken the 9M offer), and Kuyt... That'll pay the fee to get rid of Rafa, keeping Torres, and bring King Kenny in to kick some ass and get the squad ship shape again for the next new boss... And maybe there's some $$ to get another striker in whilst El Nino is screwed... (A perfect time to warm up to partner him when he's fit, this 1-Up on the firing line is c0ck...)
  16. Pot

    Liverpool 2-1

    Fully agree, and true about the £20M to pay Rafa off... I can't believe there isn't a 'poor performance' clause in there somewhere as it would certainly have to come into force now!... With my job, if I'm crap and missing task over task they'd be rid of me!... I just think the tactics (Which seem to be like Wimbledon in the 90's at the moment), the squad (Which should be good enough to cover the injury issues), and everything else comes down to the manager... As that's what he does, Manages the team, and the results...
  17. Are you trying to run both screens at the same time? I've got no idea, but thought it could be an issue...
  18. Pot

    Liverpool 2-1

    I can only hold my head in despair at this whole season, it's a huge tub of s**t which keeps getting deeper... Watching last night was upsetting, over 90 minutes, against a much lower team, and the only goal we could score was a fluke? There should have never even be a replay, we should have won 3-0 - 4-0 in the 1st leg!... This season's all going to pot (No namepun intended), and I'm now in the feeling that something has to change at a management level... Aquaman (Yes I know he's hardly had much playtime) just hoofs balls upfield... Lucas is scared of any other player, and the ball too, and makes loads of passes, usually to no-one, and usually forgets which direction he's meant to be going... Kuyt, when he's not slipping over seems to only favour passing sideways, and can't seem to get the ball in the same direction as he's looking... Gerrard, just looks p!55ed off, and bored, but with the cr@p around him, it's understandable... Rafa, Well, there's a complete discussion in that nutshell... (Wrong team?) He chooses the team, (No Motivation?) - He mnotivates the team, (Cr@p tactics) It's him who decides them... The atmosphere within Anfield last night was evil, and got progressively worse as the night went on, and the anger's deserved I say, last night was a felching disgrace...
  19. Again, another Hollywood take on a classic show, because they can't come up with anything new and/or original nowadays... 'Dukes of Hazard'? 'Garfield'? The 'new' Knight Rider was shite, I guess feelings will be mixed over Battlestar Galactica, the 'Terminator : Sarah Connor - Chronicles', can't comment, as I didn't want to watch it... But I wan't keen on the Salvation film, it's just Hollywood trying to work off the name, rather than making a great film in its own right... As they've got so much $$ in their budgets, why not change the felching names and change the story a bit? So instead of the A-Team, the 'Omega-Team' - A-T-1000 - And have them all as Cyborgs? Developed by the US Army, but escaped (In space) onto Ultra Prime 69, where they lived, but bad men came, and the Omega Team kicked their asses with futuristic lasers and stuff?
  20. Notice you just removed that, thanks Pot... lol
  21. How about the lattitude and longtitude from the bottom of the image?... To the topic though, end Bell A What (For purposes of not calling the bloke a bellend openly on this public board). But I have to ask, do the people in the bit of road you wanted to get out park in colour formation? Looks like Whites, then Grey/Blacks, then Reds?...
  22. I might whack the DVD on again for a good giggle
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