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Everything posted by Pot

  1. Babe has asked me to post this, as unfortunately she hasn't got any access at the moment. Following her recent arthroscopy, she's now been advised that she needs another one on her other knee, and she's still recovering from the first op. - And wants to know if anyone's been in the same situation? And any advice or tips?... My advice has been to get the 1st leg healed (Not sure if she'll want me saying this), but it's taking a lot longer than I'd have expected, so she should kick her healthcare providers ass (No pun intended )... I've said this to her on the phone just now, but, she wants to know if anyone else has had a similar expeirence...
  2. I'm not 100% convinced New Locke is the 'Smoke', I know he vanished, and the smoke turned up and killed everyone, and then he came back, but I'd have thought with their budget there's have been some form of effects to show the transition...
  3. Pot

    I've been nicked...

    My new facebook status , I've got a few 'experimental' friends on there from the company so I wonder how many have a brown trouser moment
  4. No worries here, watched it without any popups (Running Kaspersky )
  5. I'll let you know on Saturday when I fire mine up and try to move it for the first time since the end of October...
  6. I'll guess this isn't going anymore?? Nice one for setting it up, but I'll gracefully back out, may join in again if I see it gaining some momentum (And haven't sorted out other lights in the meantime)
  7. Pot

    Where to buy a VCR?

    Is that connecting it straight to the TV, or going through a media player/XBox? If it's the latter, I'd assume any old PC would be able to do it...
  8. I just want some of what she's had...
  9. It's a bit hard to do that without annoying the neighbours, living in a flat and so on... It's much simpler someone produces some domestic hardcore that I can download on my evil machine and listen to on my magic box made by demons... Got to say though, it does sound better than someone wailing in an odd voice whilst someone plucks some strings on a wooden box... Each to their own eh?... EDIT : Just in case you think I only like 'electronic music', I used to be a metalhead, so I like quite a few styles of tunes - (Even had that long hair thing too, it was a pain in the a$$ to keep it all silky smooth)
  10. Pot

    Burnout fail..

    I don't think the tinting on the front window was that good really...
  11. Pot

    Flukey photo

    At 7.55pm? I'm still carrying on from last night
  12. I'm working, forced into it (again) for being the only single person in my team... No bother, whilst they're paying out over the odds to show their 'love', I'll be on double time earning some good money at home for sod all work
  13. Pot

    Flukey photo

    Dick just made Vodka and Red Bull come out of my nose...
  14. Jumping out of copse tunnel? Meh, I've seen some pit crews do (attempt) that on buggies
  15. Pot


    At least the force is strong within you, and it's strong within your sister too, how do you feel about that brother, sister and force threesome you're stuck with? Even if you die, you'll still be a part of the force?... Kind of a mistake involving the force in this thread now isn't it? It'll be in you forever... (Unless you like that sort of thing, in which it's a win/win)
  16. Pot

    MKIV or MK1V

    Apart from the extra i, The main error is the 't', as you're saying gr8t, or greatt... It's a common fail, like people putting l8ters, h8te, and so on... But you've never gone so far to suggest mk1v, so I'd say you're still OK
  17. Pot

    John Terry

    Ashley Cole was caught doing 104mph in a 50mph zone. When questioned by police as to why he was speeding he said, "l've just heard John Terry is parked outside my house."
  18. Pot

    Broadband Speed

    My results are duff fella, I'm on around 3 meg, I've got no idea how those scores came up (I wish I'd have got them for real!) EDIT : My upload speed's realistic though, I get around 100kb/s
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