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Everything posted by Pot

  1. Pot

    WTF Race vid

    I'm a bit drunk, my reaction times aren't up to Government standards
  2. Pot

    WTF Race vid

    WTF... My constructive critisism. 1) That roller should not have been able to travel that fast, unless it was made completely of fibreglass in order to contain that frankly useless robot underneath 2) Promoting the idea of a small child in the middle of the road whilst a road race is in progress, is highly irresponsible... Even if he does appear to be picked up by a pair of hyperpowered homosexuals, gay rights should not try to promote themselves in this way. 3) Riding a man in underpants as a motorcycle is not allowed in any law, in any country, anywhere. 4) There was at least 2 men in white pants doing very dangerous stuff, and none of them had any skidmarks at all... 5) WTF did I just watch?
  3. You have to be on a wind up, surely no-one can be so 'Bad-Ass', and as illiterate as you are at the same time?
  4. I've got 2, I use one as a media player in the bedroom, if you have a telly in there, and stream stuff of course... It comes in great for those days when you just can't be bothered to get out of bed
  5. Pot

    Made this today

    I'm loving both - And fair play for putting the effort in to build your own - Sadly there's no room in my flat to build my own so I think the fold up one might be a winner for me EDIT : And now all you need is a room like this to play it in http://www.hometheaterdesignmag.com/208great/ http://blog.audiovideointeriors.com/208great.1.jpg
  6. Good luck with it fella, remember us when you're relaxing on your yacht next year
  7. I've forwarded that to my work mail, although I hate 'that speak', I think I can have some fun with my Swiss overlords
  8. You must be joking? Someone actually thought it was a good idea to say that, and they still have a job?... I can't stand all of that corporate crap, when people mention blue sky thinking, I just think of how much they'll get when I run up and kick them up the ass... However, worse than the slogans has to be people that say 'Basically', and 'Obviously', as the start of every sentence, and the person who decides to reply to your e-mail, but also copies in half the company (I'm not on about pr0n mails )
  9. I think with the increase in the ANPR cameras (The numberplate reading ones) (And it's an assumption they're on the increase, I'm going off the usual TV programs), they'll soon be the norm, and with 6 points a time, it won't be long to ban someone if they're a regular offender... TBH - I'll admit I've driven without insurance in the past (Twice), once was about 9 years ago when I was roadtesting a car, thought it was OK to take the gamble as we were on country lanes in the middle of nowhere, I was pulled over, 1 Month Ban, and a £250 fine. (I won't go into the details of the other one as that involved a lenghty argument as I'd recieved dodgy info from the police) - So I'm in no way an angel, but I think the way some people regularly ignore that law is pure ignorance and selfishness... And I don't want ANPR to become the standard for enforcing this, I'm not anti-surveillance, but I'd be concerned about what other details they decide to record (ie. A network of static ANPR cameras on our road network that can store each cars movements, no thanks) Which is why I think verification at the point of fuelling is the way forward, it would also mean that stolen cars would only have a limited lifespan as they wouldn't be able to refill them (I think I'll have to introduce a 'If someone breaks into your house, do what you want to them' bill - To combat them trying to get your license, but I'm sure people will support that too?)
  10. However, instead of the excuses for not having insurance (Although I don't like the way the Ins companies are able to compete between themselves for prices using statistics that aren't open to scrutiny by the average Joe, like low risk places to live, or their stats on alarms, amount put on for endorsements etc - Because it's 'the law' you have to purchace one of their products), how about clamping down on the uninsured drivers, so then we can see the benefits of the 'You're also paying for uninsured' drivers claims... Like my idea, and in no way affiliated to the ID card b0||oc| Of course it would require a fair bit of ££ to set up, but the oil companies can't say they're too broke to implement the infrastructure, most likely face recognition software as the pump attendant may not be able to see clearly enough at night, but we're always being told what a massive cost uninsured drivers are, so it's a case of invest to save money... And I know there are still lots of loopholes in my idea, but surely less than the current situation?... (Oh, and foriegn drivers have to pick up a temporary card at their point of entry into the UK, valid for the period of their stay, after showing the necessary documents of course)
  11. I love your pussy - Just don't let it eat me My NA is, aren't they all?... You shouldn't assume, she's actually naked in my be... Oh, sure she isn't in yours?... (Pot runs off and tries to find his net and night vision goggles)
  12. Pot

    Burnout Idiot

    I'm sure that's a 'Welcome to the Internet' moment
  13. Bet Michael doesn't /ignore the M3 - Sexist.
  14. I can't be aske... Oh, that's been done hasn't it...
  15. Anyone else want to tell him?...
  16. Pot


    I'm guessing He could make His angels whatever he wanted to? But then again, if He is Almighty and could do anything he wanted to (which is why we're all meant to be Godfearing), he could just delete the planet in less than the blink of His eye?... (Not trying to diss anyone who's religious, just pointing out the big flaw in this film, I reckon it's going to be a pretty good watch though )
  17. Although he's a private tennant, I'm sure the local council would be happy to hear about this, as there's an obvious risk of fire if it's concerning electrics... Failing that, how about Trading Standards? After all, he's handing over money for a product/service?...
  18. I went to Davos this year, an absolutely lovely place, with a bar at the top of the mountain, spent a fair bit of time there as me and ski's don't exactly get along
  19. Pot

    Swine Flu...

    I blame the Umbrella Corporation (And of course full sympathies to those who have it, hope you get well soon )
  20. Looking up? Are you a dog?
  21. I remember watching it last year, even hanging out of my window in a well lit area I was able to see at least one 'good one' each couple of minutes... The year before, when I went 'up the hill' was great, it was a clear night, and the sky was nice and dark so they really stood out I think the cloud cover (considering it's raining at the moment), might be an obstacle this time...
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