well, thers more thats happened and its not good....
the light only comes on when i go up a hill, it then will either stay on for the rest of the journey or go out after a bit. it came on yesturday after about 5 minutes i was going down a hill, stuck in traffic when a lady waved me over and told me to wind my window down, i did, she said' theres loads smoke coming out your car looks like its going to set on fire' i looked in wing mirror and there was!!! my heaters smelt burny so i set off on a mission to toyota. as soon as i got on the straight it stopped. no burning smell nothing. then when i got to toyota i got 3 mechanics out to look at it. they cudnt figire it out so one of them came for a drive with me. as usual when you need to show someone something nothing happens!!! no light no smoke!!! he did however point out to me that the rear seats were too small to have sex on!
since then the light has rarely come on and no smoke what so ever! my water and oil are fine. its wierd!
oh, and my speedo is in km/h and is still restricted. But the light ony started coming on on my dash after i had my power cable for sub and amp installed, i took it back to the place-who are very good and they canot see anything they have done wrong.
toyota have told me to keep and eye on it.