Recently bought a brand new HKS wastgate from ebay, after asking the seller if it was genuine, he replied saying it was so I bought it.
When I recieved the wastegate it looks very much to me like a copy there is no HKS logos on the wastegate, the seller insists they come like this but I know the ones I have seen and the one on my car are all stamped up with the logo.
the pics below are of the wastgate I have recieved, paypal have sent me the following
"We suggest that you obtain written proof from an unbiased third-party, such
as a dealer, appraiser, or organisation qualified in the area of the item
in question (other than yourself), which clearly identifies the item as not
authentic. It should be clear from the document how the item you received
differs from an authentic one. It should also give a detailed explanation
of how the person evaluating the item determined that its not authentic"
If you can post with your thoughts on this I can then send the link to paypal to help with the dispute
john d