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Everything posted by SimonB

  1. SimonB

    santa pod

    Not to mention your 24.63@45mph mate...
  2. SimonB

    pictures from pod

    Hee hee, I think we'd got a bit bored sat behind people plodding along in the outside lane at the same speed as people in the inside lane by then!
  3. I've got a video clip of one of your runs Justin, I'll post it up later. It's gonna be in the masterpiece that I'm editing together atm!
  4. To avoid any confusion, the problems people are talking about are with the UK car (or VVTi) which uses a MAF sensor which measures the flow of air going in. The problem is that when the dump valve dumps to atmosphere the MAF has already registered this air and so the ECU doesn't know that the air has gone somewhere other than the engine. It's not a problem on Jspecs with a MAP as this measures pressure, which will go down when the valve dumps. In theory there should be a slight advantage with an atmospheric valve, as the air that comes out is hot having been compressed by the turbos, and will therefore heat up the intake air if recirculated back into the intake. You're not going to notice it though.
  5. They were doing a piece to camera by the start line when jake and I were lining up too, so you might see us in the background...
  6. Here's a couple of vid clips from Santa Pod yesterday. The first is Jake doing a 13.34 since he asked for it, the second is the Top Fuel car Jake (Notice the commentator talking about the fact that there was no sign of Dude!). Top Fuel car
  7. 13 is me! PMSL at this one though, Brian trying to cover up the evidence... http://hometown.aol.co.uk/LEE2SARE/santapod22.jpg
  8. I've got some great video footage, including some in car stuff and a few people's runs up the strip, and the top fuel dragster run from about 15 feet away. Feck that was loud! I'll be editing it up, but I'll post a couple of teasers a bit later.
  9. SimonB

    pictures from pod

    It was you guys that Jake and I came across on the A34 on the way home then I think?
  10. He blew a coolant hose apparently, dunno what the damage was in the end.
  11. SimonB

    epc problem

    Was it something about not enough disk space by any chance? There's a bug in it - it doesn't like modern big hard disks and gets confused by the amount of free space available. You have to copy a big file loads of times so there's not much space left and then install it.
  12. Well I'm gonna be dirty. I washed my wheels, but couldn't be arsed with the rest, it was too cold and windy and looked like it was going to rain any minute. It's only got a weeks dirt on
  13. You've done the "car select" thing in the setup menu I take it, where you tell it the number of cylinders etc?
  14. The weather forecast says:- http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/images/symbols/fiveday01/symbol_1.gif Yay!
  15. Aha yes, took me ages to find that one. When you're in dislpay mode (i.e. looking at the graph or gauge view or whatever), hold the up button for 2 seconds. That resets all the peak values. Took me a while to figure out the record and replay too. To record you press the down button, it should say "rec" at the top. Then you press down again to stop recording - it should beep. To play back you press the set button , i.e. the middle of the knob (ooerrr mrs!) for 2 seconds. Then you can press it again to pause, and turn it to go back and forwards. You press it again for 2 secs to go back to normal mode. Although it only displays three things at once, it records the whole lot, so you can select another 3 things to look at and replay it again.
  16. Well, my restrictor ring keeps boost at about 1BAR without the controller now. I have: set 57 gain 35 start 0.9BAR If you go to the warning option under setup, you can put a boost level at which it will automatically reduce the duty cycle of the control valve and how much to reduce it by. I've got mine on 1.3BAR and -100% at the mo, so when boost gets to 1.3BAR it immediately turns the valve off completely until it drops below that. Seems to hold at 1.3BAR very consistantly, although I will probably change the -100 to a smaller value. The other thing you can do is start the logging going and go for a run. Then you can step through all the stuff it measures afterwards to watch what the boost and valve duty cycle is doing and tweak the settings.
  17. Dunno if you got to have a look at someone's or not Tony, but I just took a couple of photos of mine (sorry, the first one is a bit blurred):-
  18. Yeah it's a great bit of kit isn't it? What settings have you got on there?
  19. Ideal would be > 100 (as that drives off any moisture that has got into the oil) but less than 130 I believe. Whether you need an oil cooler depends on what it gets up to when you're giving it some! The last track day I did, mine was getting very high after 15 minutes and I had to let it cool, so I could do with one.
  20. Bugger, get that wrong every time! It's a while since I did physics though! Still plenty left to cover, come on everyone!
  21. Nah, it's not for dials, it's a warning output that you can use to turn on a big red lamp or whatever. One of the menu options lets you choose when you want it to be triggered (e.g. when boost gets too high or something).
  22. But only on autos. I'm feeling pedantic today...
  23. Good typo . I hereby define the shit point as the point where your rear wheels start spinning and you start heading for the central reservation...
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