I've got the Toyota brochures somewhere that state what the standard equipment was, and it's definitely as I said. The LSD was standard on manual RZ-Ses and optional on the autos, and the other stuff was optional too including the uprated ABS etc. The RZ was the top of the range one, the RZ-S was more optional.
I thought mine was an RZ-S initially - I take it people who are saying they have an RZ or RZ-S have confirmed this with the chassis plate? It's the 2nd to last letter of the model code, Q (RZ), S (SZR), V (SZ or RZS), Z (GZ).
More info on the models & stuff on the New Zealand site under "specs" - New Zealand site.
Ah, I've found the brochure, this is from a 99 Japanese brochure:-
The rest can be found on the US site http://www.mkiv.com under specifications.