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Everything posted by Rayman

  1. Well no i dont agree with cruelty to animals at all i just think there's risks involved in all areas of life and sport, unfortunately as well as in horse racing. I dont think they are treated cruely tho its just an unfortunate occurence. It could be argued boxing is cruel to. Maybe they should adapt the grand national i think lowering the numbers raced would help but then it wouldnt be the spectacle it is without the numbers.
  2. It is sad to hear of the horses dying but i think to call it a barbaric sport is taking it slightly too far. Thats fair enough everyones entitled to there opinion. I feel they are, have you seen the condition they are in, they certainly wont risk racing a horse thats not fit enough, now that would be barbaric. again they are obviously trained but if a horse doesnt want to jump it wont, its funny how horses that have unseated their riders early in the race decide to still carry on running/jumping, to me seems like the horse is enjoying itself, what about banning show jumping, is that barbaric?. Having defended horse racing id still have some compasion it is sad to see horse dying and believe idealy it should be modified slightly to minimise the risk to both horse and jockey by lowering the fences or watering the ground. Just my opinion of course.
  3. Barbaric my arse race horses are treated like kings and queens.
  4. Rayman

    Bye guys

    The 10gbp is a bargain even if its just to get access to the group buys and traders discount.
  5. Rayman

    Insurance Help

    Yep try admiral and elephant too, ive found bell seem to have put there prices up just recently on imports and other hot cars. Admiral seem to be the same for me anyway.
  6. System R have a good rep with the honda forums, they are in warrington:- http://www.system-r.co.uk/system-r%20suppliers%20of%20japanese%20tuning%20accessories-services.asp Hyper sports may do it too in wigan i think:- http://www.hypersr.com/index2.html
  7. sellers on ebay arnt allowed to charge for paypal anymore, obviously other traders will if they feel it necesary!
  8. dont forget import tax too, thats a b@stard,someone bought some volks from them, heard good feedback!
  9. I think its good that Paul has took some responsibility some traders in general (probably not on here) would just say tough shit!
  10. Yeh mazda how they got away with blatant copy of a fiesta i dont know!!
  11. PMSL fantastic! She's definately a school teacher, im sure of it!
  12. There is an apexi sound clip on here already, i have downloaded it onto my desktop cant attach it back tho due to size. Its defo on here somewher try search under apexi pullaway or driveby!
  13. Heard that Muck-off stuff works pretty well at getting the dirt off in the first place, in general tho its the time of the year, when summer comes they will keep reasonably clean for at least a week. Nothing worse than motorway driving in the wet to completely saturate you car in crap.
  14. Suggest a toyota celica to her, the older shape one about the same age as a supra, they are definately a baby supra only the headlights give them away, apart from the size of them the shape of the body is very similar. I always double take when i see them driving around.
  15. Good on ya fella, having read your original thread i felt for you but good to see everything is back to working, its the worst feeling ever when your pride and joy aint running as it should!!
  16. How do you get picked for this btw? And can you refuse?
  17. Great quote get paid up quick! How much was your previous quote with elephant? My quotes have been around 1200-1500, 23, 1yr ncb
  18. I still see a lot of people tinted out on my travels, dont think this has been enforced properly really.
  19. Rayman

    Body repairs

    Chips-away are good, naton wide i think!
  20. Yep KJ wins! Anyone play online poker at all?
  21. Very nice indeed. just found a s15 forum whilst searching for info on them, chack it out!:- http://forum.s15oc.com/
  22. How much Jurgen for that one, i know its sold but how much for something like that?
  23. Rayman

    350Z JDM vs UK

    Seen & heard one of these in action the other day, driver was driving like a looney albeit, dressed in a suit too. The sound was fantastic without being overly loud, i was amazed at how quick it went round corners, stuck to the road very well! Love the styling too! Just did an insurnace quote for one the other day and it came out very cheap considering, just over 1k for me , baring in mind and evo or subaru would cost me over 2K, its not too hefty of an insurance premium, not that i could afford one like!
  24. http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showthread.php?t=18157&highlight=wheels+clear+brakes Check this thread jamie, the alloys shud be fine with Uk brakes providing they are the offset in the above thread!
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