It wont run on XP Rob as the game doesnt support DX9 (XP's limitation), you need an Operating System that supports DX10 or DX11 (Vista or Win 7 - I'd recommend the latter!).
I've played the beta on the PC, the Origin Client (formerly EA download manager) is pointless as you dont play via that, that acts basically as a shortcut to launch your web browser (which requires a special plugin) that loads their touted BATTLELOG, which is basically an external Server Browser and Statistics Portal rolled into one. This means that the web browser is running in the backgroung consuming resources whilst you play the game. I dont see the point of BattleLog to be honest, they could easily have those features in game like they do now in Bad Company 2.
Other things Im not a fan of are:
:: It plays more like Call of Duty than other BF games (atleast, thats the impression Metro gives you)
:: You can join squads, but your cant choose which squad to join (makes it hard teaming up with mates)
:: You cant leave the server or edit the options to customise your settings UNTIL you DEPLOY in game.
I've played both Metro and Capsian Edge before they pulled the servers down, Metro made me want to cancel my pre-order, but I really enjoyed Capsian Edge....the jungle areas are amazing. Graphics wise they are good but not setting a new level like Crysis did when that was first released.
I believe the reason people where falling through the map when proning/dying was due partly to the destruction of landscape, they have turned this off on the PC and say it will be fixed in retail version.