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Everything posted by Angarak
The launch has been slightly marred by the underestimation on EA's behalf of how many people would purchase their game. The EA Master Servers (that you must logon to for MP) have crashed under the strain several times. They are however quickly installing new hardware and have also release 2 new server revisions since launch (we're now on R6). The latest revision should improve connectivity and reduce/eliminate some punkbuster problems that have popped up recently. Im loving the game, having several mates on the same server in the same squad communicating via TeamSpeak makes it really enjoyable, though it is still enjoyable if your on your own. It does need a decent PC for good performance, this is mainly due to the game using software-based sound emulation instead on relying on dedicated sound-card-based hardware. This increases CPU usage which ultimately costs some performance in terms of FPS. Dont bother getting the game if you dont have a dual core CPU or better. Aside from the intermittent MP connectivity, this games IMO is miles more enjoyable than Modern Warfail 2. Another nice touch is that several of the DICE dev team are active on the forums and communicate regularly with the community, they actually care about their game unlike other FPS devs of late.
No to all of the above. Since EA/DICE have decided not to release the dedicated server files as a means of fighting people running cracked servers customised to give you all the unlocks upon joining it (MW2 anyone?) it is not possible to host a LAN game. You can however rent a BC2 server from one of many GSPs and play with your friends through that. There is no co-op in the single player, you can however create squads of 4 in MP. Spawn camping isnt an issue since nearly everything piece of cover (bar huge rocks) can be chipped away at or completely destroyed. Having no prone isnt an issue, if you could go prone it would just become a sniper fest with every man and his guille suit camping it out in the trees. The game isnt a realistic milsim, so there is no need to go prone to improve accuracy, crouching behind cover (ie: rock) is enough IMO. I've not had an issue with buggy controls, some people report their uber l33t mouse with super duper resolution doesnt move quickly enough, or in some cases moves too slowly. The server browser is a little buggy at present, DICE have confirmed they are looking into it.
BC2 is based around team work in small squads of 4, compared to MW2 which is pretty much every man for himself in most public games. Going 'John Rambo' in BC2 will get you killed rather quickly. Once in a squad, you can spawn on a squad member should you die, there are several classes to choose from each with their own pro's and con's in terms of equipment. Squad members are highlighted so you can keep together during the game. The great thing about the MP is that nearly everything is destructible, so if a sniper is hiding in a house you can use a 40mm grenade, RPG, Tank, C4, Copter, etc to 'reach out and touch them'
I'd recommend you install MalwareBytes (free) and F-Secure Internet Security 2010 (costs less than £30). F-Secure gives you AV/Firewall/Browsing Protection/Email Filtering, and Malwarebytes can be ran manually whenever you want to (it checks for rootkits and other malicious trojans).
Has anyone here imported a Google Nexus One mobile? If so, how do you rate it? I have some family going over to the states soon and Im tempted to ask them to get me one (to save a tanks worth of petrol in import duty).
lol, go'ed lad!
When I got my car it had the HKS Super Power Flow induction kit that uses the mushroom filter. It sounded awesome but then I read an article comparing various filters and the HKS kit I had was the worse one of the lot. I then switched to a Envy Performance 'Apexi Style' induction kit which had a filter that looks almost identical to the Apexi Power Intake. At BPU I was seeing 1.2 bar of boost. I later decided to revert back to the stock box with a Blitz Power Filter and noticed that I now only get 1.1 bar max....but with more peace of mind
...or for the rest of the week I was working in Glasgow (or Glasgeee as the locals pronounce it) at the beginning of the week, came back wednesday night just as the severe weather warnings where being thrown around, luckily for me it wasnt sticking at the time I was leaving.
Have you looked at the O2 Simplicity for Business tariffs? There may be something there that is suitable.
I'm pretty sure you will be arrested on arrival.
Has anyone ever told you that you look like a young Rab C Nesbit @ 0:21 into the vid? Nice vid BTW.
Just bought an Alexander McQueen shirt, bit tight around the neck, but it hangs well.
I've heard a rumour that one of the sunday tabloids may run with a story that JT has allegedly jumped in bed with an underage girl and has gambling debts of around $6 million. Seems a bit far fetched to me.
Maybe the previous owner fitted a clutch, that will usually give you a smoother gear change. Or, maybe the previous owner chipped the teeth on the box with a dodgy change during a spirited drive and when they came to sell it they where honest and said "the gearbox is chipped", which the current seller has misunderstood. Anyway, maybe instead of mocking his ad, we could all chip in (no pun intended) and buy him a new keyboard as his current one has a sticky cap lock key.
My brother suffered a prolapsed disc on new years eve last year, he spent the first month living on the floor as it was the only place he could get comfortable. It took him about 6 months of physio to sort it, he's now back playing basketball which is quite hard on the back with all the changing direction and jumping involved. He still does the exercises the physio gave him as a preventative measure before he does any form of exercise. Apparently if the disc has prolapsed xxx far they just operate on you, but there is no guarantee it will cure it 100%, even if it does you may still have some soreness due to scar tissue (basically do everything you can to avoid the op!). I know the above sounds gloomy but thats the situation my brother faced, however having followed his physios advice to the letter he is more or less 100% fine now, hopefully you'll make a full and speedy recovery.
Let the jokes begin..... "Wayne Bridge sent his missus a replica of his cock made from Cadburys chocolate, she said that she prefers Terrys."
He may live to regret it. Currently there are loads of unexplained CTD's when using the server browser, though they have provided a PLAY NOW feature which will throw you in the game (for casual gamers who cant cope with server browsers)...like IWNET on MW2...and just as bad - as it throws you in any game, not a game that necessarily has a good connection. I was put on a server in California, it was so laggy I ended up back in 1980! The game itself is OK once you get past the CTD Lottery, though it then kicks you out at the end of each game just after there is a splash screen saying "contact us on twitter" lol. The destruction in game is awesome, but it take too much ammo to kill anyone (nearly a clip with some weapons). Its early days though
What if, as a result of this, a load of non-white or non-british members joined the BNP and the party still stuck to their manifesto - with the backing of the said non-white/british members. Would they still be labelled as a racist party?...or something else altogether?
The finished article was painted black, not sure if they left the vauxhall dash in.
A hangover is also a sign of a low potassium levels in the body - eating a banana (or other food item with high potassium) will help you recover quicker.
I've seen a lot worse repaired to spanking new condition.
I have a HKS SuperDragger (mild steel) on my own car, I believe the HKS SuperDragger II is a full stainless exhaust - I think you're looking around £500 for the SuperDragger and maybe more for the mkII version since it is stainless as opposed to mild steel. I've heard that the mild steel ones tend to rust from the inside out, how much moisture you have in the exhaust to cause this to happen will depend on how often you drive and how long those journeys are. I've had mine on for around 3 years I think, I do less than 3000 a year and they're mostly short trips...I did get mine 2nd hand for around £300.