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Everything posted by Angarak

  1. Didnt get a chance to phone VOSA today so will try them on Monday. I have heard about the DPF issue on the newer Mazda 6's, thankfully he doesnt have that issue (*touch wood*), he did just put his wallet on a £170+ diet though to replace a suction control valve that regulates the diesel fuel pressure, prior to replacing this the car would stall when dipping the clutch to slow down for junctions/roundabouts which would leave you without power steering and virtually no brakes, it was then hard to restart. I nearly had an accident in it when trying to pull out of a busy junction only for the bugger to stall on me!
  2. ^ That is the correct link that Edge posted.
  3. Very nice, looks like a candy apple red.
  4. I was recently looking at the Vehicle Recalls section of the VOSA website to see what recalls had been made for the Mazda 6 between January 2004 to present. Within the results I found a recall notice that applied to my old mans Mazda 6 based on the Vehicle ID. Upon contacting the nearest Mazda dealer regarding it, my old man was told that this recall notice was an American recall and did not apply to UK vehicles. I was under the impression the Vehicle Recalls listed on the VOSA website would only apply to UK vehicles, so Im not sure if the Mazda dealer was fobbing my old man off. Was anyone else under the same impression that the VOSA website would only list UK related recalls?
  5. Will be interesting to see the condition of the resin once its had some sunny days (and UV Rays) on it. Hopefully the chap has used a UV stable resin, otherwise it may go milky/cloudy over time. It does look well made though, couldnt see any air bubbles in the pics.
  6. Saw a lot of him in the TV series Sharpe with Sean Bean, great actor, RIP.
  7. Youtube has some good vids with ideas, mostly Honda 1.6 DOHC VTECs. For example: :: :: Edit: Maybe a 4AGE Red Top from the AE92 Corolla GTI 16v?
  8. http://www.kandmacoustics.co.uk/ in Wigan.
  9. Will do, but in the meantime Ewen posted some pics of his silver supra with black Zunsport mesh here: http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showthread.php?112764-High-quality-stainless-mesh-Sourced&p=1989513&viewfull=1#post1989513
  10. Just received my full set in black (xmas pressie to myself), great quality, can't wait for the temps to go above 0 now so I can fit it.
  11. Cheers Graham, ended up going for a Toshiba BDX-1100.
  12. I ate all the food and drink at my Xmas works party, the joys of being self employed!
  13. No I do mean width, most players are 43cm wide, I need one that is less than 40cm due to lack of space in my tv stand. The Philips BPD2500 for example is 36cm wide.
  14. Does anyone here have, or can recommend, a decent Blu-Ray player that is less than 40cm in width? I saw a Philips BDP2500 today in HMV, but having searched the t'internet it would appear to be rather rubbish player. I could get a PS3 slim, but not being a console gaming person, it seems silly to fork out that much for a console just to use the Blu-Ray capabilities.
  15. I've heard swine flu is making a comeback, just like Cliff Richards at this time of year. I've also got a friend who has had a new kind of flu (think she called it '3 point flu' or something like that) which bundles together man-flu, tonsolitis and tummy bug, which makes you feel as rough as a badgers arse and may put you in bed for a week or so (she couldnt eat anything for 5 days), its apparently doing the rounds at the moment, hoping I dont get it.
  16. Anyone else seeing a pattern in her attempts to gracefully correct the slight mishaps Sounds like a scene only Mr Bean would be capable of, but atleast no one was seriously injured. Christmas always seems to lower the quality of driving, I guess people of all ages have more on their mind than usual at this time of year. Wishing the old dear (and everyones lawns!) a full and speedy recovery.
  17. Zunsport Grille Info, prices up to date as of 10/12/2010 (I've been enquiring about them recently) Silver ZTY7793 Centre £83.22 ZTY7893 Sides £56.58 ZTY7993 Full Set £120.63 Black ZTY7793 Centre £90.72 ZTY7893 Sides £61.09 ZTY7993 Full Set £136.58 Note the Zunsport website will only let you purchase the larger middle grille in silver/black, you have to phone up to order the side grilles/full 3-piece grille set.
  18. Nice, Im tempted to switch to liquid cooling for my CPU/GPU.
  19. Whats the noise level like with the case fans?
  20. I found it was smoother to drive at low revs as it revved a lot easier, and improved my around-town-mpg, but if you give it death it will drink fuel like mad (single figured mpg!). Definitely worth it.
  21. Septic: AMD website states 500W+ PSU for a 6850: http://www.amd.com/UK/PRODUCTS/DESKTOP/GRAPHICS/AMD-RADEON-HD-6000/HD-6850/Pages/amd-radeon-hd-6850-overview.aspx#3
  22. Septic: Yeah I'd say 550-600 would be a good idea if your GPU recommends 450+, gives you some spare capacity should you upgrade anything in the future. Just make sure the PSU has the connectors you need for GPU/Mobo/Sata/IDE/etc. Tony: If you're not intending to overclock the CPU/RAM then you should be ok with the stock fan you get with RETAIL CPUs (OEM CPUs dont come with fans). Also, most motherboards come with decent onboard 6.1/7.1 sound chips these days, so you could save on buying a dedicated sound card to save some pennies, you could always buy one later on if you thought the sound was crap.
  23. Yes it is, think of all of the components within your PC and external peripherals that will require power, the GPU will consume the most power, hence manufacturers usually recommend a certain wattage or even provide a certified list of PSUs (ie: Ati 5850 PSU: http://support.amd.com/us/certified/power-supplies/Pages/listing.aspx). A good PSU will provide sufficient stable power to prevent the computer crashing or even damage to critical components within your PC case. If I see a manufacturer recommend a 500W PSU for a graphics card I get one that is atleast 600W (I prefer OCZ ones, but there are many good ones available).
  24. 1st rule of building a PC > Dont skimp on a decent PSU! Some of the top end graphic cards require some serious wattage when running at their max, a 400/500W PSU may not be up to the job of providing enough consistent power, you'll also need to check if the PSU you buy has the correct power connectors for the graphics card you will use. Most graphic card manufacturers will recommend a certain PSU wattage for their card(s).
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