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Everything posted by n00b

  1. n00b


    well being a art director has some uses.... try this
  2. hi mate, was it you i saw the other night in dalton square? ... you where driving past the town ahall and i was stopped at the traffic lights Charlie
  3. i was in a black one waiting at the traffic lights and you passed and looked back when you passed. havnt seen you aroud before anyone here? Charlie
  4. im going to try another chain store tomorrow and see what happens ... i dont mind being refused (well not so much) its the way that they treat and look at you when they say no.
  5. i have been renovating a house for 5 months and worked like a dog to get it to the state it is now. so i thought i would treat myself ... i have a mortgage but no loans/credit cards/store cards so i thourght i would buy a new telly something i would really really really enjoy. i went to comet and found a good deal trough haggling and price matching and went to pay tonight (on credit as i have never had anything before on it and new i could pay it all off in a few months easy)... i sat there for 15 mins while they probed me only to be told i couldnt have credit ...... so as i have just recently moved house i went home and got a load of utility bills from my previous houses for the last 11 years and went back..... after another 15mins of questions and some dumb cow being a cheeky moo still said no... this is the thing that really made me mad... they had the F********* nerve to sit there and look and talk to me like was a piece of crap and couldnt wait for me to piss off out the store quick enougth.... im bloomin furious. (i probally earn and owe a lot less than the people that work in comet ... i dunno) im now running a online credit check to see exactly what my status is... but surprise surprise they cant find me... im on the electorial role as i vote when i can... maybe they have me as dead! rant over anyone else had this problem ? Charlie
  6. is it wrong to love a robot?
  7. Philips 32" 32PF9641D anyone got one of these???? http://www.currys.co.uk/images/353053_01_huge.jpg been looking at them today and the ambilight looks pretty cool and the rest of the tv set features look good.... i cant seem to find any reviews of it on the t'internet Charlie
  8. just wait till all stocks/shares fall through the floor.... then all this lot will start jumping out the sky scraper windows Charlie
  9. that has just pissed me off... turned it off now ! ... that is shocking ! mind you i wish i was earning that Charlie
  10. n00b


    plus if this carries on we will only get someone banging on saying ... "aaa this forum is not what it was back in the day ... all supra owners now are not of the same quality... crap" sorry had to get that one in
  11. n00b


    this whole thread is dumb.... i havnt posted for 4 months-ish and i just read all of this one.... (well maybe a couple) whats wrong with saying hi to people who just joined/just started to own a supra... better to have a friendly atmosphere and welcome. rather than ignoring them... when i first joined last year it was nice for people to say hi and welcome... after all the people feel welcome the more chance they will stay around and stump up the membership fee / post usefull advice and comments... i think its all a little ba humbug.... Charlie
  12. i bourght one of these from this guy and have it fitted . i got my bodyshop to cover over the side indicator holes... bumper fitted great and came with mesh and was primed. but the bodyshop reprimed it just incase hope this helps Charlie pics below http://www.charlesdavey.co.uk/images/Supra/TS1.jpg http://www.charlesdavey.co.uk/images/Supra/TS2.jpg http://www.charlesdavey.co.uk/images/Supra/TS3.jpg http://www.charlesdavey.co.uk/images/Supra/TS4.jpg
  13. cheers mate... looking forward to reading more when you have it done n00b
  14. looks great mate... what bhp you hoping for ? (can i aslo sheepishly ask how much you spent) ... be quite a while till im heading down that route me thinks. n00b
  15. whoops... so i do ... i think the fella explaining it as blue with a tint at the top made it a little confusing thanks Ro Charlie
  16. cheers Supra-Man Anyone else got one with a green strip ? Cheers Charlie
  17. Hi, just had a stone try to get in through the windscreen while joining the M6. rang up the insurance company and the RAC are going to change it on thursday... thing is they say they only have a blue windscreen with a sunstrip..... Is this correct as my old windscreen is clear with no sunstrip at all... is it the right one? is it a uk vs jspec thing? Charlie
  18. might be the caliper return spring has gone... this happend to me last year... cost me a new/reconditioned set of very well priced calipers from chris wilson and a new set of brake pads. get it looked at or have a look yourself as my caliper eventually seized on. but all fixed now and is not so bad to do yourself .... took around 3-4 hours as i didnt really know what to do. Charlie
  19. n00b

    dreamweaver help

    yep that .... you could always put this in the code view picture1.jpg picture2.jpg that would pad the second picture 50 picels to the right of the first picture. or you code totally cheat and do this picture1.jpg [color=Red][b] [/b][/color] picture2.jpg &nbsp is a non breaking space and will push it over.... i wouldnt suggest doing it this way. shout if you need a hand Charlie
  20. looking at the code of the overclockers its been written by someone in the dark ages... plus looks like a bag of sh*te... auto trader has been written using a lot more skill... didn’t test the functionality to much.
  21. yep sorry guys ... spendign everymoment up at the house ... paul do you want to meet up at the weekend i'll pm you my number supra dan if your driving down the m6 i can meet you at the lancaster junction (3 junctions up from blackburn) if not i think it was £15 to send it i can confirm this tomorrow? i will pm you my number aswell. sorry again guys Charlie
  22. must be a very good day to be born on congrats guys hope the birthday-claus brought you everything you wanted. n00b
  23. ok dokey sorry havnt been in touch... im in the middle of doing a house up and havnt touched a email in days sorry i didnt get back in time for you albundy68 paul you ok to pick it up? dan can you pick it up or should i find out postage costs up to you? ta n00b
  24. for sale a left headlight... and a right headlight... jspec a little yellow also for sale a set of orange indicators.... left one and a right one also have a set of the little orange square side repeaters for sale pm me with a price if you are intrested ta Charlie
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