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  1. Wether directed at you or me Ian I think it was probably just accidental timing. Maybe it looked like we were about to have a heated one, but two sensible gentlemen sorted it out before it got that way.
  2. Accepted mate, although I wasnt offended In order to be totally fair. There was an awful lot which happened, which affected a lot of people who got dragged into it wether they meant to or not. And only a few know everything that actually happened.
  3. Didnt say they had said it on the forum, more behind my back. I think your idea of charachter is obviously different to mine, so lets agree to disagree without starting up a side line arguement. Point is, after most people have turned on you for attemting to out their favourite tuner for poor workmanship etc, is their much left for you to enjoy? Not in my case. I even got phone calls at home from people I'd never met that were members on here, just calling to slag me off. I cant have that and neither can my other half.
  4. I have plenty of charachter Ian. But you go through the soul destroying process of being called a liar, thief, cheat, and opportunist. Throw thousands at your beloved motor, get absolutely nothing back but problems that require another trunk load of money to sort out. You easily become tired and irritable by everything around you. Then, while you're going through all this, the people responsible for your predicament go lording it about, still claiming "we do things properly". They band around false accusations about yourself, trying to the destroy the 'charachter' you mentioned earlier. Eventually bills increase to exponential level, and you realise the only way to save your Supra is to strip it down the last bolt and start from square one. I literally couldnt take it any more. Now you tell me. Is that lack of charachter, or TurboFits rancid workmanship and abuse that forced me out?
  5. I haven't posted on here for some time now as people well know. I've given up on Supra ownership. Or 'my dream car' as I usually called it. Sam, Greg, if you do read this, I actually, 100%, hope you burn in hell. No man would usually admit it, but I think Im big enough. You two ruined 12months of my life with your poor communication, bullshit stories, total ignorance, lack of moral fibre, god Im so angry I could go on til the cows come home!! Im still finding things out that you did to my car. Nissan Skyline fuel pump ring any bells??? Now Im proven not to be a liar about your shoddy workmanship I at last feel a bit less bitter about the whole fiasco. But not much. You go to sleep and thank your lucky stars I decided to get my car up and running instead of suing you both for everything you own under several acts purtaining to the supply of goods and services, and lack of proper care. I for one dont agree that they are nice people. I think that they are sly and cunning. I really hope from the bottom of my heart that Graham and Jon, and anyone else, get their problems sorted to a satisfactory end. Not just getting your money back or a certain part replaced, but compensation also for the misery you have to endure while you sit twiddling your thumbs, dwelling on your misfortune, as weeks turn to months, and the sad saga of your pride and joy not running continues.
  6. I have an OEM blue/black carbon-kevlar original Varis bonnet if you fancy that. PM your interest as I dont come on here that often but my email account will pick it up.
  7. I dont think so mate. There is a particular spot there that people used to meet up in and obviously they will be keeping a particular eye out there. I still intend to drive there for the cinema, shopping and meet friends which is fine. Its the people congrigating in large numbers and taking over a car park that they dont want, as this limits space for genuine shoppers. Another school of thought is that it attracts the people that have the 'looking isnt enough' attitude, and want to try racing and drifting round the carparks and roads, which at this time of year puts an even greater amount of visitors to the area at risk.
  8. This is really for all members, not just South Eastern. According to a friend in the Police, Bluewater management with the aid of the local Police, are putting a stop on any meets inside the Bluewater perimeter from now, and up until the Christmas shopping period is over. They are planning to enforce this with extra cameras and with the aid of their own security units. Apparently those caught will be faced with some kind of legal action, civil or otherwise. If I get any other details then I will post them up, but for now it seems that keeping out the way is the best option.
  9. Agreed, just makes me wonder if they leave this out what else has been overlooked.
  10. http://www.itr-dc5.co.uk/index.php (Honda Integra DC5 TypeR Owners Club.)
  11. Yeah £10, so get your hand in your pocket and dust off your wallet you tight ass! :d
  12. Wouldnt touch it. Even the most ill prepared and looked after cars out there have at least a boost controller.
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