Don't think my battery is holding charge anymore, so wanted your advice to make sure.
My supe was sat for almost 4 months from November til last weekend. Drove it about a bit on Sunday but last night when I went to take it out I had to jump start it
Went for a drive about and probably did 70 miles and parked her up overnight. Tonight when I went to go out I thought I'd check the battery voltage first and noticed it was only 12.05v obviously not enough to start. Jump started it again, checked the voltage (14.25v) and put on all lights and blowers to see if it dropped which it never.
Drove about for about 20 mins, parked up and checked to voltage when I switched the engine off (12.7v). Went back to the car an hour and a half later voltage was now 12.35v which I didn't think was enough to start it but it did.
Will check it again in the morning. Any thoughts?