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Everything posted by Snooze

  1. Ellison is literally the best paid company exec of the last decade. A quick search turns up the number $1.84bn as his total pay for the last 10 years!
  2. Item location: High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom
  3. Hahaha - for "videos" that I like - this was the first one that sprang to mind too!
  4. If you're referring your use of the expression "find your way out", meaning starting inside the maze, then there's even more circumstances where sticking to one wall doesn't work - consider a disconnected central wall.... http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/5677/mazeb.jpg
  5. (as long as it only has a single entrance)
  6. Snooze

    Red X

    I've put some Redex in one of my old cars with an empty tank. I'll tell you what - it burns pretty damn well!! Do NOT do this to your Supra!!!
  7. Airlines have huge problems with name changes. Back when they all used to allow name changes for free, travel agents would book loads of seats under false names, then tout them all at huge mark-up closer to flight time. Just another way of the low-cost airlines remaining low-cost is by closing this "loophole". Charging the full price of the ticket seems a bit steep, mind - especially if something is quite obviously a spelling mistake and not really a different passenger. I guess the "one size fits all" handling of name change processing is another way of keeping costs down.....
  8. Interestingly, someone showed me this method a couple of years ago, as their child had just been taught it at school. My first thought was.... "well, duh." This is actually precisely the way I have been calculating long multiplications in my head for the last 25 years. No-one ever taught me to do it like this - it just seems to be the way I naturally developed to do it - but I'd never seen anyone "formalise" it until then. I guess I never thought of doing it any other way! Maybe the reason it's taught like this is precisely that - because, whilst it does make it long-winded to write down, it does make mental long multiplication easier (IMO)?
  9. The public face that everyone puts on is always, "you can't put a price on a human life". Well, I'm sorry, but ultimately you have to. And EVERYBODY does, they just don't like to admit it.
  10. Yeah - I assumed as much too - just wanted to point out that BMW do do force-induction straight 6 engines. Although as he says, the M3s have always been NA, I think - even the new E90 ones.
  11. The N54 and N55 engines in the E90s are turbo'd.
  12. Try "twice-baked" potatoes. Bake them crispy in the oven at home. Then scoop out the middle, mash it with your favourite cheese/pesto/tuna/etc and re-fill it. You can then re-heat it in the microwave in just a few minutes the next day. Kind of fails on the "no-prep" and "not bringing stuff in" requirements, tho!
  13. Trypophobia is very trendy on Facebook this Summer.
  14. Wasn't Steve selling up earlier this year?
  15. Snooze

    Got rimz?

    Opposite to Harvard, really! Whilst I do like the look of the Supra, looks was the last thing on the list for me. I was looking for a 2+2 or 4 seater, RWD, high power, relatively cheap. My choice came down to the Supra, 300ZX and M3. I chose the Supra as the most reliable of the three. When the time came and I needed more space, an M5 or an AMG merc was an option. I went for the Aristo because it was cheaper and I was really impressed by the reliability of the 2JZ. That's the bit I don't see . I understand, of course, why people want cars that look good, but when I look at a car, the wheels are probably the last thing that I actually notice. It's a bit like when the missus buys shoes - she'll try on twenty pairs that all look more or less the same to me and ask which ones I like best. "I dunno. Whichever are the most comfortable", is, apparently, not the right answer.
  16. Used to love (horizontal scrolling, split screen, 2-player racing) - used to spend hours making my own courses for it.
  17. hehe - Dougie Lampkin still competes in the world trials championship, although he's past his best now.
  18. Likewise. I have to admit to (perverse?) enjoyment of instigating discussion on controversial subjects - I hope I don't rile anyone too much - my intent is to get everyone (especially me!) thinking and chatting, not to just troll for arguments. I think the animal cruelty portrayed in the clip was a bit of a red herring for the discussion. I don't think there was anyone claiming it wasn't horrible or painful to watch. I think it was more a discussion around what other forms of animal treatment should be classed as "cruel", and how responsible we are for them. I'd like to think we could have the same discussion at a meet, sharing a drink and a vegi/halal/beef burger!
  19. I've really enjoyed this thread - there's been some well thought-out posts on all sides with very limited resort to base arguing (which is rare on the internet these days) - and certainly provided some food for thought for me. Sometimes I worry about the forum, but threads like this re-assure me that there are plenty of intelligent, communicative people here who are (sometimes ) able to discuss some controversial topics and still share a common love for Supras and the community. :grouphug:
  20. Does the "law" help? I am choosing not to hide behind the law and admit to my own lack of morality. Again - you are judging this purely on the manner of their death and not on the manner of their life. I believe it is impossible to say.
  21. erm - I'm in know way saying that she is not being cruel to animals. I'm saying that so am I by eating factory-farmed meat.
  22. Maybe she just enjoyed throwing things in the river? She might have shouted "woohoo" whilst throwing rocks..... PS. I shouldn't really have started this train of the argument, as I don't really believe it myself - she looks like she was showing off to the camera, and whilst I think deriving the fact that she "enjoyed" killing puppies is a bit extreme, she is clearly emotionally detached from their plight. So - my real point is that even if she did enjoy it, it's not really that different to me enjoying eating a KFC bucket. Both involve the needless death of animals. And I defy anyone to say they have to eat KFC to survive!!!! You're not like the woman in the McDonalds drive thru clip, are you: "but how am I going to feed my family?"
  23. Quit it with the dodgy puns, please - I'm trying to take this seriously!
  24. How do you know she killed for entertainment? Maybe she just had 6 puppies to get rid of, that they couldn't afford to keep and nobody would take? Anyway, I think the point is that having a chicken killed, just so I can eat a nice roast dinner is no better - it's being killed for my entertainment. I could sustain myself quite easily without eating that chicken. I just eat chicken because I LIKE it.
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