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Everything posted by Supra_Chick

  1. Supra_Chick

    Supra 93 N/A to TURBO Manual

    Engine Specifications: N/A to Turbo T60 650 injectors Turbocharger & Induction: N/A Fuel, Tuning & ECU: N/A Exhaust: HKS Superdragger Drivetrain: N/A Weight Reduction & Transfer: N/A Suspension, Wheels, Tyres & Brakes: UK Brakes, TSWs Interior & ICE: N/A Exterior: N/A Performance: N/A
  2. http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/748288.htm Please pm me :-) Jennifer
  3. Intel centrino 1.5ghz 40gb hard drive 256mb ram-maybe can upgrade good batt xp professional keyboard light £200 ono Please pm me Thankyou Jennifer
  4. First one was in irchester near wellingborough with a veilside spoiler around 5.40pm And the other one was in MK about 20mins later heading towards the BP garage near the A5 :-) Jen
  5. First things first Right click on 'My Computer' on desktop Choose manage Choose Local Users and Groups >> Users Local users and groups is not there??
  6. yep done that-nothing shows up.....
  7. Its ianmanserver all one word
  8. No i havnt yet- i want to be 100% before i do anything.... :-(
  9. Ive also found in my services a service name called : ianmanserver A quick google of it does not sound good...... :-(
  10. Hey all In my security event ive got Category: logon/logoff Event ID: 540 User : NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON Logon type:3 logon process: NtLmSsp Help and Support.... Details Product: Windows Operating System ID: 540 Source: Security Version: 5.2 Symbolic Name: SE_AUDITID_NETWORK_LOGON Message: Successful Network Logon: User Name: %1 Domain: %2 Logon ID: %3 Logon Type: %4 Logon Process: %5 Authentication Package: %6 Workstation Name: %7 Logon GUID: %8 Caller User Name: %9 Caller Domain: %10 Caller Logon ID: %11 Caller Process ID: %12 Transited Services: %13 Source Network Address: %14 Source Port: %15 Explanation A logon session was created for the user. The message contains the Logon ID, a number that is generated when a user logs on to a computer. The Logon ID that is assigned to a logon session is unique to that logon session until the computer is restarted, at which point the Logon ID may be reused. The Logon ID can be used to correlate a logon message with other messages, such as object access messages. This message includes the user name and the domain information of the user account that was logged on, the name of the logon process that logged the user on, the type of authentication credentials that were presented, and a logon GUID (globally unique identifier). For logons that use Kerberos, the logon GUID can be used to associate a logon event on this computer with an account logon event on an authenticating computer, such as a domain controller. This message also includes a logon type code. The logon type code indicates the manner in which the user logged on. The following table explains the logon type value: Logon type Logon title Description 2 Interactive A user logged on to this computer at the console. 3 Network A user or computer logged on to this computer from the network. 4 Batch Batch logon type is used by batch servers, where processes might run on behalf of a user without the user's direct intervention. 5 Service A service was started by the Service Control Manager. 7 Unlock This workstation was unlocked. 8 NetworkCleartext A user logged on to a network. The user's password was passed to the authentication package in its unhashed form. The built-in authentication packages all hash credentials before sending them across the network. The credentials do not traverse the network in plaintext (also called cleartext). 9 NewCredentials A caller cloned its current token and specified new credentials for outbound connections. The new logon session has the same local identity, but it uses different credentials for other network connections. 10 RemoteInteractive A user logged on to this computer remotely using Terminal Services or a Remote Desktop connection. 11 CachedInteractive A user logged on to this computer with network credentials that were stored locally on the computer. The domain controller was not contacted to verify the credentials. So logon type 3 means A user or computer logged on to this computer from the network... Is this something to worry about???????? Jen
  11. http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/729535.htm Jen:p
  12. Yes im sure it is red- and like afew people have said when you look at the pic of my jacket ,then the one listed as orange you can see a very clear difference but the bloke is saying its orange and wants his money back- if i had sold it myself i would tell him where to go but my fella dont want to get bad feed back from him! So not only will i lose the cost of posting it but he'l more than lightly want me to pay the cost of him sending it back aswell grrrrrrrrrr
  13. Well i am so sorry that my spellings are not as good as yours! Im not going to get into my life story but i missed alot of school due to having a illness for life and spending most of my time in hospital ! The fact my spellings are not as good as yours in no way makes me a chav.....! Do i look like a chav to you....? Because my idea of a chav and also most other peoples idea of a chav is mostly young lads that have tracky bottoms on/some with them tucked into there socks that tend to drive clapped out old cars with big exhausts thinking they look cool and the main one burberry caps!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Yes it is afew years old but only got used afew times from new and has since been hanging up/not used for afew years- its like new.....
  15. Ok well in that case what do you think a chav is? What makes someone a chav..? And yes i have met people who call them selfs chavs
  16. Im not a Chav Thankyou and to call me that just because i cut a word down (id guess you would call it text slang) is out of order..... If you must know - not that its any of your business - im not a very good speller and sometimes i get muddled up or even tho i do know how to spell something, at the time of writing it i just cant think how you spell it - so i end up using the so called text slang - sorry if your 2 old to understand it! But just because my spellings are not as good as yours - that dont make me a chav! Snigger
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