Bloody PC, never want to do what its told and when it does it decides to muck something else up for me to find out later.
Right i've been trying to overclock my rather slow PC. For the moment i have been software overclocking rather than doing it in the BIOS as i have no clue as to what i was doing.
My old radeon 9700 pro is being looked after by Rivetuner, my CPU being whipped to its last legs (before my new pc arrives, wouldnt be trying it if there wasnt a replacement on its way) is using CPUFSB. I've also got monitoring software to keep an eye on the temps.
To cut what could be a very long story short, I decided to have a look in the BIOS to see (only to see mind you, no fiddling going on in here) what could be done. I find out that it is absoloutly nothing, only the AGP graphics slot can be altered so i quit and reboot. Now my cpu temp is reading 2 degree and the case temp is still 36 degrees.
Can anybody tell me what the hell is going on?????