We've been offered VR at our place, and the terms are quite reasonable. I've been there 15 years, and would get a settlement which equates to just over 1 1/2 years take home salary.
Now as with all big companies you get used to the way things work, and what the company expects of you, and for the last few years budgets have been tight so training has been at a real minimum. So I've lost touch with whether I have marketable skills. Our area is quite a niche market as it is, and in most other comparable markets things move at quite a pace, so there is a very real possibility that I've "fallen behind" the market. Also I've never been a specialist in my field, just a good all rounder.
For these and numerous other reasons I can't decide whether to jump or cling on, and the application deadline is tomorrow so I'm running out of breathing room.
I guess what I'm wondering is if anyone else has found themselves in a similar position, and what their decision was and how it panned out.
Also what is the job market like at the moment, my work is in real-time graphics for simulators - as said I'm a generalist, part general software, C++, and part "Artist", so I guess the nearest comparable mass market is the computer games industry.
Over to you...
Thanks for reading