I never went near the Facebook group, so when everyone moved over to that It was noticeable here. I must say that VBulletin has faired pretty well to be fair, given its age it still holds up well.
It's a real shame the forum has dropped off. I used to spend hours surfing the new posts, only to have to start again with all the new posts made once I'd reached the end. Unfortunately I think the economic crash did for a lot of the traders, which left a number of members stung by poor workmanship and traders going belly up. We went from a thriving community in the North West to a very small (but tight) group. Cash started to get tight in general, and I became very time poor following the birth of my daughter. Health issues caused me to drop away from the forum further. I still pass by occasionally, and read the recent posts. Good to see a number of the faces from my time still around. I hope you can revitalise the place John. Try and get Charlotte, Jake and Michael (both MCanny & Thorin) and Martin (RedM) back. The banter and flame wars back then were a sight to behold.
If you think it's quiet round here though, spare a thought for Tumbleweed, I just checked and they haven't had a post in over a year (except for one in December pointing out that very fact). So we aren't doing so badly...