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Everything posted by Kip

  1. Kip

    Cyclists & the law

    A very rant worthy subject - Tax them, test them like they do all other road users, compulsary mot style tests for the cycles every year and make them have some form of insurance. And if they are caught speeding, jumping red lights and NOT using designated cycle lanes etc etc FINE the fekkers - this mini rantette does not apply to those who respect the highway code and other road users whilst riding cycles.
  2. I feel it's a wee bit unfair to have a rant at the GP's, Surgeons and nursing staff - I beleive the rant should be directly targeted to the hangers on.......by that I mean the management staff and hospital accountants who have absolutely no medical knowledge. I am convinced that without them we would have a far better and more efficient hospital system. All of the medical staff do their absolute best for us with limited budgets and rediculously unrealistic time management. I have a very good friend who is a Surgeon and some of the stories he can tell about beaurocracy and points scoring within the management chain would make you seath. Any way back to the point in hand I sincerely hope all goes well for you and you make a speedy recovery. All the best matey - chin up
  3. Hoping it's not a reeeeeeeeeeeee post, where's our kez! http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/traveltax/
  4. Now this is what I'm talking about - a car company doing what they do best - designing new cars!! - and it looks nothing like an Aston Martin FFS - think back a way and answer which car had the nice flowing lines and the rear 1/4 of the modern day coupe first? Stand an early Mk4 Supe next to a DB9 and look at it side on at the lines - any similarities there? - so, which car looks like which and who did the design first. I get pig sick of every modern sports coupe being compared to an Aston - fekkin - Martin, yep they are nice and very desireable and if I had the money to keep one let alone buy one I would probably have one in the stable, but I do get fed up of people banging on about modern sports coupes looking Aston Martin ish, almost like they all derive from that company's designers table. Guess that turned into a bit of a rant really - sorry guys.
  5. Ok to keep me posted - was a a good few hours out, despite the weather, nice crowd as Ivan said and some tasty machinary, I was impressed with the yellow and carbon fibre MR2 that parked up next to me as I was leaving - thanks for the invite, hopefully meet up again.
  6. The easiest way of all would be to get access to a Mac and use imovies - pah, pc's - I hate em....
  7. Kip

    Jaguar XF

    I really wish that Ford would stop with Aston Martin and Jag lookeelikes - They were once two very seperate companies with very different designs, bring back the grace and beauty of the original Jag designers visions and the brutish yet gentlemanly exclusivity of Aston Martin. Lets face it when Jag/Ford brought out the new XK (for 60/70k) - wouldn't you be a tad pissed if you had bought a 100k Aston? Just my two penneth.....
  8. I'll be leaving Bournemouth around 12 / 12:30 ish, to get there around 1ish - any one else? - Ivan, are you still going down? I used to work at the Smugglers way way back in the 80's so may have to pop in there also - for old times sake. Hopefully will see some supes and owners -
  9. Kip

    Whats this car ?

    Uh, Oh! - I feel this may have stirred something, what you thinking??
  10. May pop in and have a burger -
  11. Kip


    GTR34, 99 with 10k on the clock for that price?
  12. Still prefer the Toyo's - give Ib a call at Pro Alloys, you'll find him in the traders section.
  13. Kip

    R.I.P Nismo :(

    Poor NISMO, bless. Bury him deep in a sunny place in the garden I'd put a nice plant on top of the site which would remind me of all the joy he gave.
  14. Seems a wee bit excessive, best thing to do is go in and see them, explain the situation and give a good reason why you missed the DD and tell them you are not happy with the charge and that you think it is unreasonable plus it has now put you overdrawn. I think there is a GMTV website which will direct you to some banking guru's site and it explains all about improper bank charges, apparently. Always talk to the bank don't be intimidated by them after all lets not forget just who the customer is.
  15. Next door neighbour has one - must say she looks quite good in it, and my neice is considering one . I have heard they are quite thirsty - plenty of second hand ones with low milage on the market, got to ask yourself why.... I think they are just a wee bit on the girlie blue rinse side of the boarder for me - I would perhaps consider a real four door saloon with a turbo or two and four wheel drive. only for real use when the wee one is at the grandparents, of course!
  16. That doesn't look too bad at all, and the insurance co. has written it off? as with all insurance co's. you have to explain - in nice terms to begin with! - just who is paying them to stay in business, if you want your supe back I suggest going back with an estimate for repair and a cost for a like for like replacement vehicle, I'm sure some of the guys on here can assist. Maybe a chat with the guys at Sky may help, Scott usually gives good sound advice. That is if you are not satisfied with the insurance co's rulling.
  17. Any one else going to see who and what's about:meeting:
  18. Kip

    Saddam Execution

    He's gone, the only thing is I'm now worried about reprisals - is this the reason why the government has ordered new chemical warfare suits and the rest of the stuff that has been going on for the past few weeks?
  19. It's not so much that we need more constables on the beat, we do need more traffic plod and we do need to get rid of cameras, what we really need to do is get rid of the "do gooders" and untie the hands of the police who are trying damned hard to sort this shit hole out. I don't mean out right abuse I mean give them more powers and turn a cheek if someone ends up having a good hiding, and back to the old story, prisons should be a deterant not a holiday camp, a matress on the floor a stinky blanket, 4 to a cell a piece of bread for breakfast and bread and beans for supper with one half hour walk around the yard every fortnight. I'll stand down now....
  20. And all the very best to you too Ewen. Was going to post exactly the same at some point today - See you in the New Year - all the best to all:friday:
  21. This post does my heart good - so many other Floyd fans was it something to do with those 'heady dayz' in our youth. In fact I have a bottle of patchouly oil right in front of me as I type this...ahhhhh
  22. I fekkin hate the damned things - as soon as there is an environment tax the better - just how much juice are the fekkin things extracting up and down this tiny island of ours? Now youve got me going. Ban the fekkin things
  23. May I say how impressed with the Christmas avatar I am - 10 out of 10 for effort sir. See you on the 7th then - Have a great Chrimbo Rgds Kip
  24. Think I may go down and have a look see what's about -
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