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The mkiv Supra Owners Club


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Everything posted by Kip

  1. The P.M. is thinking about taking 2pence off the price of a litre of fuel? because he has fukd up? Question I have to ask the bastd is: 'if he can take it off now just to try and save his job, why has he found it necessary to screw us over for so long?' - and if he takes it off fuel what is he going to put it on?
  2. Kip

    fecking binmen!

    unfortunately we are still governed by a Labour Gov. - not for much longer tho!! - and every employee from the char person to the P.M. has an official title which begins with 'Jobsworth' !!! - does that help!!
  3. Any body on here lovely silver supe in Westover Toyota? Nice car and great wheels - sounds a bute. . .
  4. Glad you and the car are ok. . Try the Toyo's - top tyre in both dry and wet plenty of grip and feed back.
  5. You will be pleased to know - the company I work for has the first R35 dealership car coming in to the country - form an orderly queue. . .
  6. WELCOME TO A LABOUR GOVERNMENT - Spend, spend, spend and TAX, TAX, TAX. And anyone who subscribes to the "mans global warming effect" is brain washed - look back through time and, hey presto as if by magic one finds climate change and we were'nt even around back then so how does that work then? - Dinosaur Farts??
  7. Dracule - red velvet cape, white hair, pale face, long finger nails and everything.
  8. S'wen I "aint" workin is the trouble - but I'm up for a meet - count me in!
  9. Twill be nice to catch up with you guys - yep I'm back - c u Sunday . .
  10. It has changed and has had too - Guinness is now brewed to a different recipe, as it has to appeal to the younger generations palate - and if the original Guinness was to be chilled to the temp extra cold has to be, the flavour would be lost completely, moreso the extra cold is to get the women drinkers on board, having little or no resemblance to the original Guinness flavour and bitterness once savoured by the gents - All one would have to do is hold a glass og Guins of 5 or 10 yrs ago up to the light and a pint of today - woah wot a difference. .
  11. I have a new job with Toyota - selling them! Rumours have it the MKV Supra and a couple of other sports cars will be with us over the next 12 months. Just thought I'd share that;)
  12. Such an easy solution really. DETERANTS. . . Prisons to be absolute hell on earth where anything goes and the death penalty! Think a few people may think twice about being twats. . Just what sort of deterants are the holiday camps we call jails in this country?
  13. 1. Veyron 2. 599 GTB 3. CCR 4. Merc. CLK DTM 5. BMW M5 6. GTR 34 7. 1960's Mini Cooper (track car) 8. A one off hot rod of some sort, probably from the States. 9. NSX 10. Range Rover Overfinch Special. That'll do nicely sir........ couple of grand spent there.
  14. Just to let you guys in the Devon / Dorset area one of my mates has just opened a garage in Bridport he is a very talented mechanic and has a good team, he would be very pleased to look after any specialist marques including all you guys Supras. He can be contacted on 07751618227. Ive just had my Supe serviced at a very competative rate....
  15. I use T.cut then just use Zymol to wax - seems to do the same job
  16. Kip


    I reserve judgement until I have seen it on the road, however I must agree, I'm really not liking the BMW-esque lines. I saw a picture a couple of years back of the "NSX replacement", it looked very much like a le mans car and very nice it was all in silver - an obvious change of mind by Honda..
  17. As you say it's not to every ones taste and if you think it looks good thats all that matters, however you own a classy TOYOTA SUPRA AND NOT A CRAPPY AMERICAN THING!
  18. Ken, I'll try and make the BBQ.
  19. Kip

    Oh dear!

    I BEG YOUR PARDON - WAS THAT - " OH DEAR" ??. Not sure what would fix it other than a new panel, try Ibrar, he's normally got all manner of spares knocking about his workshop.
  20. Or any one fancy going to Matchams on a Wed eve? I have heard they have a drift meeting there, I would be very happy to pay to see some little rich boy slam his M3 into the wall, not only did he ram the rear end but he span and did the front as well...so I am told. Failing that next Tues is good, however I start my new job on that day! And that's a lame excuse Pete.. see you next time I'm in Shrops.
  21. I'm up for a meet at any time, Tuesday eves are good for me.
  22. Oh yeah - and I can't make this Sunday - How about the 29th for all?
  23. How about the Alice Lisle pub in the New Forest just out side Ringwood - big big front lawn we can all park on -we would need about 50 / 60 Supes to fill it tho!!!
  24. In which case bring back capital punishment. Some sort of deterant. However as you say, if some idiot is going to get hold of a gun or knife there is no stopping them from doing as the deranged mind suggests. I am a firm believer in capital punishment, just what is life these days? 14yrs for killing an inosent person, just what is that for a life?
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