Everyone has a life outside of the club, and yet we manage to make meets when we say we will.
Do your two missed events include SCS, Knockhill and yesterday?
Lastly, I don't think for a second that the above meant what you say it did and to be honest it smacks of you challenging the rest of the Scottish members to 'step outside' As others have said, don't take it personally but having a dedicated events mod means taking the responsibility of making arrangements and making sure others have all info required to attend arranged events. We don't mind if you can't turn up, but in the case of the Knockhill meet especially, no-one had a clue what was going on. The SCS was a success to an extent but the club didn't even have a banner?
I could add to yesterday the fact that the location selection was poor to say the least, James had a massive journey there and back on his own (not entirely your fault) and Ross was left without items he expected to receive that day (IMO more important than the meet).
As per my initial post on the matter, maybe have a think about it yourself and consider whether you're really cut out for the position. We'll continue to meet as we have been anyway, as Tony said.
Hope your personal problems abate and you can concentrate on what you signed up for when electing to become an events mod.
Over and out.