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Everything posted by jazz1

  1. so at the moment i have the continental 295/30/zr19 and its perfect fit not strretched, if i was to put a 285/30/zr19 f1 tyre on the rear will this give me more clearance on the arch and stretched the tyre slightly?, becuase i found out yesturday that the 295 continental is like having a 315 as different tyres vary
  2. that supraforums supra is crap like a spaceship
  3. jazz1

    do something or not?

    lol its not cruel i have at the back for my dog a nice heating place for him to sleep every time i try and get him in hes not interested and prefers sleeping outside
  4. lol saying that twice my do luck skirts came cracked i think it was by tnt good job my mum wrote the box was damaged on the second time they came
  5. iv seen it:p looks awesome inside out
  6. well anyone interested let me know 260 for christmas special and its the original rod millen adjustable centre now thats a bargain as i paid 468 for it
  7. i love it now so happy thanks to jamiep, il take pics tommorow looks nice and makes the wheels look perfect, good thing is i dont need to lower the car from the rear as you can adjust them to how low you want them:)
  8. i think they look nice chrome on silver il have to see:) good thing they dont make my wheels stick out
  9. im so in love with the chrome arches il take pics tommorow too dark:d
  10. jamie serious mate big thanks those chrome arhces look nice il take some pics cant thank you enough top bloke, oh and my brother just loves your car wouldnt stop talking about it;)
  11. Id just like to say a big thanks to jamiep who gave me free arches that look exactly like mr drivers arches and thanks to him my wheels look much better as i just tested fitted them and my wheels dont stick out anymore because the arches make them look better, especially the chrome ones. Also id have to say his car is bloody awesome pictures dont prove nothing has to be seen in reality the engine is hot, even my brother would not get his eyes of the car. His car has every potential to get in any car magazine its just perfect and have to say turbofit have done an extreme excellent job after seing his engine i have to use them:) il take pics tommorow of the arches
  12. ok has to go now so as its christmas anyone fancy a bargain il do this 260 including delivery and also send the receipt of how much i paid for it
  13. jazz1

    My Braid Wheels

    thats stock suspension but wont work on these so i am going to buy coilovers and these are 19`s, ed dont worry il clear it up just aint had time to dump them in the skip lol
  14. jazz1

    My Braid Wheels

    dont know aint checked
  15. jazz1

    My Braid Wheels

    i will sell those ones on ebay they will sell, gona get the paint next week iv started my kit at the garage just waiting for my dad to move the bm so i can take my car
  16. jazz1

    My Braid Wheels

    lol yea and the recent magazine i bought had blooooody stretch tyres on this corsa my eyes nearly started to water, but serious i need more stretched on the rear otherise those rear tyres on mine wont sit nicely, im gona see some guy tommorow see what he can do
  17. jazz1

    My Braid Wheels

    her this guy has 12.5 on rears and they fit nicely in the arch because his are stretched mad:)
  18. jazz1

    My Braid Wheels

    is 275 the lowest from 295, u sure about that, i deffinatly need coilovers otherwise im gona have a tough ride
  19. jazz1

    My Braid Wheels

    i got 295 on the rears and 245 fronts but im gona go tommorow and try and get 275 rears and 235 fronts for more stretch look but otherwise they look nice iv just had my mates and cousins say they love them including my dad lol, il get better pics if i can get more stretched on them:)
  20. jazz1

    My Braid Wheels

    guys thanks, hopefully jamie can save my life and money:)
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