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The mkiv Supra Owners Club


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Everything posted by jazz1

  1. thats harsh hope he gets done for everything
  2. jazz1

    Arch rolling kit

    how can i order from them
  3. is it bpu? its sounded nice what exhaust you got on?
  4. yea ur car looks very nice is it single?
  5. jazz1

    Vey nice

    not that i have a clue what ur on about:p but i like his profile have u seen the view gallery-link, nice supra meet pics
  6. jazz1

    Vey nice

    http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://hungwin.com/gallery/albums/ggp20060416/ggp20060416_016.sized.jpg&imgrefurl=http://hungwin.com/&h=480&w=640&sz=91&hl=en&start=142&um=1&tbnid=z8Ze4-tF79eWtM:&tbnh=103&tbnw=137&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsupra%2Bgrey%26start%3D140%26ndsp%3D20%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN very nice pics and website of this guys supe
  7. hey im 50/50 at the moment if i make it il give u a call;)
  8. jazz1

    Arch rolling kit

    did u email me or pm me lol il have to wait till i go home as hotmail dont work at work:)
  9. lol yea i live near the grapes, never knew so many supe owners lived near me:), like ur red supe gota catch up when my cars done and see yours
  10. anyone know where i can buy one in the uk?
  11. http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/vbpicgallery.php?do=view&g=301 found u, lovly motor and sounding sexy
  12. http://www.frikid.com/showVideo.php?lid=1038 this says it all:d
  13. i remember i saw a woman trying to park a car it took her 5 trys after also hitting the car everytime, than she gave up
  14. tell me about it, i think they should have super high insurance quotes as they cant drive, there only good at one thing:d
  15. my mates been and loved the clubbing n chicks, thats why they booked to go there again
  16. jazz1


    wicked il have to see what shift im on wednesday
  17. jazz1


    nah never been to ace cafe before although my brother has and said its wicked
  18. oh well too late to change, i dont mind steak
  19. shame well im gona make the most of it:d
  20. are there any sexy chicks?
  21. jazz1

    I cant wait

    cheers thats why im so excited to drive the bloody thing
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