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Everything posted by jazz1

  1. any good http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://bananags.grantham-international.com/GS_DIY/LSD/P1010113.JPG&imgrefurl=http://bananags.grantham-international.com/GS_DIY/LSD/&usg=__AXWqdv9RDrY9_YjrZ2Nj2lpxM0Q=&h=480&w=640&sz=119&hl=en&start=37&um=1&tbnid=BTHT6QRF08YAWM:&tbnh=103&tbnw=137&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsupra%2Btrd%2BDifferential%26start%3D20%26ndsp%3D20%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN
  2. the only option you have is do it there, just take a ten or twelve spanner
  3. oh and another thing you will find it very hard now to find insurance at your age, most companies are changing their policy to over 25 on supra`s, if you do get lucky be prepard to pay over 2k
  4. make sure if you do drive it, you drive it 20mph any faster and you could destroy it
  5. i disagree with you lady, i was 20 when i drove my supra, iv not yet had any accident that is my fault, its the way you drive any young guy could handle a powerfull car its using your brain when it comes to acceleration
  6. well i disputed with the insurance company when my car got hit, they finally agreed to let my dad fix it back up, so if they dont agree dont tell them where you got the kit from say you bought it like that:)
  7. mines all black http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/vbpicgallery.php?do=big&p=10062
  8. lol there fat cars anyways
  9. damn i know how you feel i felt the same when my trial rear got done in march but it was not as bad as yours. I was looking at your pictures today and was going to post a thread on how nice it looks with that front, such a shame hope you get it sorted
  10. looks ace mate watch that turn heads and watch the positive comments when you drive it, mines got the exact same kit apart from the skirts
  11. il take five of each if thats ok, let me know if you take paypal
  12. where you from? my cousin will take it if he can test fit it`s all good?
  13. i tell you now and i tell you again dust bin man
  14. man you lot suck you need to play warhawk on ps3 online gaming:) il own your ass:)
  15. il be watching them all although im confused about lesnar, think you might lose. as for boxing davide haye will win but this guy looks good http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=1g0sbD_XmnQ
  16. heres mine they are not red but they do them in center red`s http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showthread.php?p=1951711#post1951711
  17. jazz1

    My car

    prblem is mate autobox TT go for 6-7k now iv seen low mileage mint autobox go very cheap, at least manual holds its value more than auto
  18. jazz1

    My car

    well i offered michael 5.5k for his lexus supra, he refused to sell it to me, silly in my opinion:cool:
  19. what ever guy sometimes you talk rubbish
  20. you make me laugh i dont have to prove a point, besides even though my dad gave me the supra as a present he did not give me 14k odd to spend on the car, so before you start going on about my dad buys me everything i think i could easily afford a supra having spent 14k on just original parts
  21. lol ok what ever you say, mines got nearly 16,000 on the clock only done 200miles since 1999 is mint underneath and the paint work well i think id let people judge that, oh bodykit i have all original parts no replica
  22. its not about the look what im saying is mine is even better looked after than his i bet i got way less rust than his as he`s pointing the finger his deserves better lol i think we should compare the conditions before he talks about his lexus supra
  23. maybe i need to load up my log book i think il get that done just to sh*t you up:) and prove it is my porsche.
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