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Everything posted by jazz1

  1. just wondering if you guys could help i want the back lowered more but im thinking maybe they left the gap on the rear so there would be no more rubbing? could i get away with lowering it more?
  2. i woke up at 3 but went back to bed, i knew gsp would win as bj pen was to buisy on vacation eating burgers
  3. im of to bed now as i got work 11:30am so il wake up at 3 to watch it:)
  4. http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showthread.php?t=134648 yes looks nice this veilside one:)
  5. here you go its more round and the orginal has a stamp on the base
  6. he scammed you here you go mate that is a copy http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://img.alibaba.com/photo/10991975/HKS_Style_50mm_Wastegate.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.alibaba.com/product/2f2fmelbourne-10991975-10713602/productdetail.html&usg=__f0W71izlMrbLeW98KHszaB-QJfg=&h=360&w=360&sz=29&hl=en&start=5&um=1&tbnid=feH5fXMKaMaeUM:&tbnh=121&tbnw=121&prev=/images%3Fq%3DHKS%2Bwastegate%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN
  7. ebay is becoming a pile of shit full of scammers and liers, hope you get it sorted
  8. i want to paint my engine bay black as it is still silver. Would hammerite do the job if yes which one?
  9. Found the problem myself, i borrowed my brother`s disk which asked me to update the software on warhawk. I had the game downloaded and it did not bloody ask to update anything, thats why there was lag. Also i noticed my brother has the US disk and i have the EU download. The US disk has so many user`s online compared to the EU disk/download, so just some advice
  10. i was going to but these but i went with HKS hypermax III:)
  11. well i called sony an they asked me to do a couple of things, they said if those things do not work they will replace it for free and the hardware might be corrupt:)
  12. haha, i was thinking if i erased all my hardware etc and reset the factory settings will that erase the system updates? although it would take 2 hours to complete that
  13. i doubt it is the connection becuase since i had ps3 i just used to play warhawk no other game. The problem occured when i updated the system software from resistance 2
  14. have you played resistance 2 yet and updated your system software? and then tryed playing it?
  15. jazz1

    paypal dispute?

    the add did not state anything about the game being shipped on release date
  16. jazz1

    paypal dispute?

    looks like i might still get the game he emailed me asking where to ship it:)
  17. jazz1

    paypal dispute?

    shows he still is this is his ID fancyshop2005, im just keeping my fingers corssed i will receive it
  18. jazz1

    paypal dispute?

    great, think iv been screwed over you have to do it within 45 days and also i tryed leaving feedback but it wont let me, said something about item does not exist:(
  19. jazz1

    paypal dispute?

    cheers guys i just opened a dispute:)
  20. jazz1

    paypal dispute?

    well i better open it today as i bought the game on the 26 of november
  21. well online play, the warhawk game play was fine until i updated the system to 2.5 or something like that. Now when i go back to play warhawk the character is much slower on movement than before. I just want the previous update back
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