Ok some of you maybe awear when i had a rat in my engine 3 years ago. Well during the snow period i did not drive the supra and it was under the cover. Anyways to my expection i saw rat poo in the engine aswell as the basta*d trying to build a nest under the engine undertray. So yesturday i set rat trap`s which i bought and rat glue pads. I put cheese and sausage on both rat snap trappers and the clever bastard took the food without snapping the traps and these traps are very sensitive. So today i stuck the cheese right in the rat trap so he would have to work for it and wiped it all over the rat trap area. Hopefully i should have a rat catched either dead or alive tonite or in the next couple of days with pictures, if i dont then God has created these basta*ds to be very clever
Caught a rat but dog released it
Caught a rat but did not intend to kill it(glue), cat has taken it
Caught a bird and released it, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVlWfJt0rGM
Again caught another bird but no rat
update fox has taken this rat did not mean to kill it