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Everything posted by jazz1

  1. i will catch his friends aswell, i had to hover the food and mess he made on the undertray. If they dont get caught in the traps iv set then they must have a human pee brain
  2. Ok some of you maybe awear when i had a rat in my engine 3 years ago. Well during the snow period i did not drive the supra and it was under the cover. Anyways to my expection i saw rat poo in the engine aswell as the basta*d trying to build a nest under the engine undertray. So yesturday i set rat trap`s which i bought and rat glue pads. I put cheese and sausage on both rat snap trappers and the clever bastard took the food without snapping the traps and these traps are very sensitive. So today i stuck the cheese right in the rat trap so he would have to work for it and wiped it all over the rat trap area. Hopefully i should have a rat catched either dead or alive tonite or in the next couple of days with pictures, if i dont then God has created these basta*ds to be very clever UPDATE Caught a rat but dog released it Caught a rat but did not intend to kill it(glue), cat has taken it Caught a bird and released it, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVlWfJt0rGM Again caught another bird but no rat update fox has taken this rat did not mean to kill it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inGTsLyDy1M
  3. jazz1

    Killzone 2 Ps3

    its crap the graphics are awesome, i normall come number 1 all the time. Theres no decent maps i preferd the first one much better the maps were even better. The only decent ps3 game is warhawk
  4. jazz1

    FAO: Supradibbs

    just thought it would be an excuse to post more pics of the do luck range:p
  5. heres you go mate seeing as your double minded, i found these pictures that show the do luck rear spats with the trd wing
  6. jazz1

    Street Fighter IV

    not my type of game, im going to wait for killzone 2:)
  7. Good job it looks like black, thats going to look awesome
  8. these any good? you can have them free i got them on jamiep but never used them they just need painting http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/attachment.php?attachmentid=48949&d=1166788243
  9. i done mine with foliatec kit 3 coats came out nicely, at least i saved 500 pounds from paying GVN
  10. My list right now and i just ordered is rat trap glues and rat traps to leave under the car before the shit bag stinks my engine completly
  11. jazz1

    FAO: Supradribs

    the good thing the front do luck is slightly lower than the late do luck skirts and the skirts are lower than the trial rear so it flows ok. I remember when i had wings west lip with my veilside skirts, the front was higher than the skirts it looked odd
  12. jazz1

    FAO: Supradribs

    u have the original, cheers i got them wheels thanks to ibrar after so much hassle thinking
  13. jazz1

    FAO: Supradribs

    cheers not as nice yours yours though:p
  14. jazz1

    FAO: Supradribs

    i told him to keep the bonnet stock, well good thing he has the same front and sides now:d
  15. jazz1

    FAO: Supradribs

    lol thats long i have to remove the whole bumper, my brother just keeps telling me to remove the whole things lol
  16. jazz1

    FAO: Supradribs

    cheers, alot of people in reality love the wheels thats what most people comment on when i drive it lol
  17. jazz1

    FAO: Supradribs

    lol i wont remove the mesh but i will spray it black soon, any tips on how to do it whilst on the car:p
  18. jazz1

    FAO: Supradribs

    supradibbs the side lines are ok its the trd wing if you have a stock wing it looks better on side view but you cant beat the rear and front look of the trd wing. The lines otherwise with the skirts go well with the trial rear
  19. looks amazing that must of cost alot
  20. no lie i thought the sh*t just pood on the side of the suspension until i started the car up and alot of newspaper came flying out, then to my inspection i see orange peels down there:(
  21. yea mine was clean until today the stupid rat put newspapers and orange peels
  22. jazz1

    FAO: Supradribs

    its called "The Big Cheese Tack-Tick" strong hold glue that traps rodents and insect pests, im going to order outdoor rat repellers
  23. jazz1

    FAO: Supradribs

    cheers, well it makes sence why they use the supra i have two car covers completly covering the car, seeing as i dont drive the supe they must think its a nice cosy spot for them under the engine. Good news they have not chewed any wires, i just better do something about it before they do
  24. jazz1

    FAO: Supradribs

    i hope it brings them back tonight they will get stuck on my rat glue for sure. The littel shit put newspaper aswell under the engine undertray
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